MSI Z97S SLI Krait Preview


The Guvnor
Staff member

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MSI Z97 KRAIT Preview
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I hope to see a MSI Z97S SLI Krait review with two GTX980 in SLI coz off the SLI name on the MB.
The board looks like it's suffering from Recon3D syndrome.. but in a good way.. so clean, very large areas of component'less space!

(except in the recon3D mode, it's because it's crap and uses software instead of hardware. :P)
Ya i thought the same thing:p

Lovely board however:drool:
Looks as tho Parvums' fans are just rebranded Alpenfohn wing boost fans.. :huh:

Im planning on getting this along with the new Galax HOF 980s :)

at least hoping too...
Honestly? Do you like that much white?.. The Krait would look the business with a Windforce card, shroud painted white and a matte black back plate.
i was the one who built that system on MSi's website.. and i do agree with TTL's take on just not having too much "white" to over power the board, like placing a HOF card in it. the HOF, however, would look nice in one of Asus' upcoming Sabertooth Mark 'S', which im doing another build on currently. anyhoot.. here are a few other angles of the inside:



there was supposed to be some black details on the GPU backplate, but i ran out of time and needed to send the photos. lol.
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Looks as tho Parvums' fans are just rebranded Alpenfohn wing boost fans.. :huh:

Honestly? Do you like that much white?.. The Krait would look the business with a Windforce card, shroud painted white and a matte black back plate.

Well the Krait is more black than white. And I would only purchase the HoF cards when they have waterblocks for them. I was more interested in performance. However after the review of the Krait, I'll pass on it.

I always had an inkling that it seemed a little too bare to look at, almost like many features had been gutted out.