im really stuck

PC Master Race

New member
ok so I want a gpu.
I was thinking of sapphire r9 290 for my build.
But then I saw a EVGA 770 4gb and it was like £20 cheaper.
I am stuck on which one to get because Nvidia has well better technology on there gpus compared to AMD. But I know they kind of perform the same.
SO what one do you guys think I should get and why.:):)
ok so I want a gpu.
I was thinking of sapphire r9 290 for my build.
But then I saw a EVGA 770 4gb and it was like £20 cheaper.
I am stuck on which one to get because Nvidia has well better technology on there gpus compared to AMD. But I know they kind of perform the same.
SO what one do you guys think I should get and why.:):)

Definitely 290>770 appart from Physx and Cuda AMD can do everything else Nvidia cards can do.

Physics is the only real thing you can't get on AMD. Cuda isn't used for games so unless you do video rendering or use a program that makes use of it there is no need for it really. AMD do OpenCL though which is their Cuda alternative.

If you want Shadowplay, gameworks and the streaming stuff you can use the AMD gaming evolved app which does everything that Shadowplay etc does. In place of Physx you get Mantle as well, which will give you more performance in games that use it.