how do your know if the cpu or mobo is dying


New member
hi guys. basically my family hijacked my rig and have a habit of going to bed at night and leaving it on. EVERY NIGHT. so the past few mornings i have been getting woken up by my parents freaking out because the thing wont turn on. bearing in mind that it gets left on FOREVER. when i turn it off before i head to bed my mum and dad go down in the middle of the night and check emails as we do a lot of international business.

soooo when they go back to bed they then leave it on again. so for them to say that its not turning on means that it has shat itself in the middle of the night. so i come down and try powering it up but it just keeps power cycling and the debug light are going off like they were the main lighting equipment at a muse concert.

so i clear the cmos and it eventually turns back on. so the ram is ne wand the psu is new so i dont believe that they are the problem. the boot drive is also relatively new and idont think that is the problem either. i have had the sustem for 4 years and it has been overclocked to 4.5 for atleast 3 of those years.

i have extensive watercooling so heat was never a issue. but is this a potential case of the cpu decaying due to being turned on and overclocked for lets just say 30000 hours. (they pay the electricity bill so stuff them they have wrecked my pc). what do you think guys. i dont want to buy a new x99 cpu,mobo, ddr4 ram as they will do the same thing to it at a cost of another 1200 quid to me. what do you guys think. if it is on the way out i need to act because i dont want it taking all the other components out with it.

nah mate it has done it several times but the frequency is getting a lot closer like every few days. a couple of months ago it pooped itself for a bit and it took me ages to get it running again cmos clearing everything but it just wouldnt go. its on again now like but im not sure for how long
Capacitors and mosfets on motherboards are finite dependent on age and so on.

Overclocking causes these components to work far harder than they normally would and thus they tend to wear out.

I had a top end X79 board with 24 phases and it didn't even make a year of running my 3970x @ 4.9ghz. Swapped it out with a RIVE in the end before selling all of it.

It's very unusual for a CPU to die, though overclocking can cause damage and gates get stuck open or closed.

I would replace the board first.
have you turned off sleep/hibernate in windows for some reason my system is a pain to get going if I use them, also could be worth replacing the coms battery
hi guys just a quick update. it was my psu. my ax1200i shat itself today. i hope it hasnt taken my gpus with it. that would be a proper kick in the balls. so i think i just had a bit of a below perfect specimen of r4e. that unfortunately has been paired to a duff power supply twice. hopefully i will be able to rma the power supply and get a replacement sorted. then in the new year ill do a upgrade to broadwell e. a proper annoyance so it is.
hi guys just a quick update. it was my psu. my ax1200i shat itself today. i hope it hasnt taken my gpus with it. that would be a proper kick in the balls. so i think i just had a bit of a below perfect specimen of r4e. that unfortunately has been paired to a duff power supply twice. hopefully i will be able to rma the power supply and get a replacement sorted. then in the new year ill do a upgrade to broadwell e. a proper annoyance so it is.

Weird about the PSU. Very weird.

If I was to buy a PSU with my own beer tokens it would always and has always been Corsair.
They are not emailing me to be their agent because someone left an inheritance :)

I'm glad you got it sorted out. If it were me, I would not upgrade unless you want to go with one of the new 10 core chips that will release next year. I would just get a new GPU, if the board supports all the features you want.
Weird about the PSU. Very weird.

If I was to buy a PSU with my own beer tokens it would always and has always been Corsair.

It is weird indeed. I have no problems with the brand now because of my history with failures (ax1200 died and dominator gt kit died) Corsair have always been my first choice when it comes to bits and this wont change. So hopefully when i get the time to rma the thing I will be able to get back at it. Im gonna love doing work on my laptop for the next few months lol. Just poor luck is all it is.

So im getting ready to bite the bullet. I am goingto be doing a upgrade to x99 with the skylake e 6900k (the one below the flagship). Im will be keeping the current 780 6gb x 2 as they work fine and arent that old. When i have the thing uo and running I will be giving away the current cpu ram and motherboard. So a 3930k corsair dom plat 2133 16gb and rIVe. Yes the x79 platform is a little old but not only can beggars not be choosers but it will be a hell of an upgrade to someone that is still on pre sandybridge gear the only cost the person will have will be a suitable powersupply. Basically it better going to someone that could use it instead of getting binned. And for free because why not. Its used. I have had my use of it and am happy to see it work for someone else. I am in the design stages atm at its going to be a custom fabricated case made primarily from acrylic. Once i get it to the appropriate point in the design i will start a project log
Lol mate. Nah i had to go and give the dreaded currys some custom and bought a low end packard bell pc to get them up and running because pops needs a computer for work emails. They wont touch the new build lol