Help Overclocking fx 6300


New member
hello all I have overclocked b4 but I know nothing of the FX Series

I have disable CnQ and APN how should I start doing this , do I need to disable
anything else in the Bios , im doing this on the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3

the software I have is Prime95 ,I see a lot of people talking about OCCT
Almost forgot , im on Stock Cooling , I want to see what I can get out of it
with this cooler , I know I wont be able to go to extreme ,but that isn't what
im going for

if anyone can Assist me it would be helpful

Thanks Roger
Disable turbo boost.
Set LLC to ''extreme'' or ''maximum'', whatever the highest setting on your mobo is.
Set your CPU stock volts manually, don't leave them on auto.
Bump the multiplier to ~200x20, which will give you 4Ghz and should be achievable on the stock cooler, depending on your chip.
Disable turbo boost.
Set LLC to ''extreme'' or ''maximum'', whatever the highest setting on your mobo is.
Set your CPU stock volts manually, don't leave them on auto.
Bump the multiplier to ~200x20, which will give you 4Ghz and should be achievable on the stock cooler, depending on your chip.

Are you sure that is safe with a stock Cooler?
What can happen? As long as you set the stock volts then temperatures won't increase by more than 2/3 degrees at the MOST, since it's mainly volts that affect temps. Worst case scenario your CPU won't do 4Ghz at stock volts, then buy a cooler and try again :P

There's this stigma attached to overclocking I really don't like... unless you're on LN2 and you're putting 1.8v through your cpu, it's very difficult to damage it.
Is that a guide to software based overclocking I see?

NEVER use that for CPUs. Its crap ;P

funny you say that AMD overdrive actually gets me better clocks than bios.

1.37 v 200x22.5 for 4.5 GHz OC in AMD OD is stable but set it in the bios after about 30 seconds of stress she is a gonner.

bit weird but there you go.
funny you say that AMD overdrive actually gets me better clocks than bios.

1.37 v 200x22.5 for 4.5 GHz OC in AMD OD is stable but set it in the bios after about 30 seconds of stress she is a gonner.

bit weird but there you go.

Yeah thats a bit weird as it couldn't get my old 8320 stable at 4ghz. Its probably not as bad as some of the bios based ones, especially for intel. Still, wouldn't trust it. It disabled areo for win7 last time I tried :P.
Yeah thats a bit weird as it couldn't get my old 8320 stable at 4ghz. Its probably not as bad as some of the bios based ones, especially for intel. Still, wouldn't trust it. It disabled areo for win7 last time I tried :P.

well AMD OD does adjust BIOS settings, my problem is it doesn't apply on boot like i ask it too.

I can do 5 GH.z @ 1.44 v and it will run fine for windows and things but stress testing kills it and it's not from the OC but the VMs on my motherboard overheat and it throlltes to 1.4 Gz then jumps between the two which is a real shame as ive just such a nice chip.
I can do 5 GH.z @ 1.44 v and it will run fine for windows and things but stress testing kills it and it's not from the OC but the VMs on my motherboard overheat and it throlltes to 1.4 Gz then jumps between the two which is a real shame as ive just such a nice chip.

What board are you on??
What board are you on??

GB UD3. has a rather beefy heatsink but i don't have any voltage drops or high temps and everything else looks fine so all i can put it down to is the VM's.

I have a switch 810 and 140 MM in the rear blowing in and a h100i in push in the roof.

pretty sure in games and rendering I could sit on 5GHz without issues but OCCT just kills it as it should :P
ok well right now what im doing is checking to see how far I can overclock this

@1.33volts I got it to 4.0Ghz , this is on the stock cooler and I did run a few bench marks