Well-known member
Hola guys. So my Pockit Rockit is pretty much done. All I have left to do is the PSU cover.

The cooler is one of those Arctic things. Problem is I have never overclocked a Haswell and I know there are some features I'm not quite up on. The board is a Gigabyte, so any one with a Gigabyte should know their way around it. The only caveat is that the board only has a 4 pin CPU power going to it, so it may struggle I don't know. I doubt they would have unlocked overclocking if it couldn't do it though? answers on a post card
I will get some screenshots of the bios in a minute if it works like MSI and Asus.....
Edit. Oh for god's sake. Just went to shut down the rig and it wants to install 129 updates for crying out loud. Back later, though I fear it could be much much later

The cooler is one of those Arctic things. Problem is I have never overclocked a Haswell and I know there are some features I'm not quite up on. The board is a Gigabyte, so any one with a Gigabyte should know their way around it. The only caveat is that the board only has a 4 pin CPU power going to it, so it may struggle I don't know. I doubt they would have unlocked overclocking if it couldn't do it though? answers on a post card

I will get some screenshots of the bios in a minute if it works like MSI and Asus.....
Edit. Oh for god's sake. Just went to shut down the rig and it wants to install 129 updates for crying out loud. Back later, though I fear it could be much much later