Happy New Year OC3D


Well-known member
It's New Year's Eve here in the land Down Under today so I just wanted to wish everyone on OC3D their family and friends a wonderful New Year! See you all on the other side :D
Although it's not midnight here yet....
I wish you a happy new year and I hope that next year that new year eve night all of you will be here, all good and healty. :)
I've been here since July and I feel like home already, thanks guys :)
Good luck in the new year one and all, also best wishes to OC3D it's hot me through a bucket load of shite (through the legends on here). I am currently in a local bar with my two younger brothers, going back home to drink white Russians very shortly though haha. Have a good one guys
Wooo it's past 12 PM, an shauns penis is still in his pants. All the best guy's, thanks for all help so far, an I hope I can help more in the future
Well Sydney did it again by bringing in the New Year with some awesome fireworks and I'm looking forward to watching the Tattoo tonight hope everyone had a great one.
All The Best!