FX9370/FX9590 Owners Thread


New member
Hello everybody,

I'm starting this thread for owners of FX9370 and FX9590 processors, I am curious how far you guys have been able to push your chips and you're temps?

I have my FX9370 overclocked to 5ghz/1.475v on air using a Noctua NHD-15, my temps are great and while gaming it never goes over 44*c and while converting a large video file it never goes over 50*c.. I tested it with a Coolermaster Hyper 212 plus and my temps were insane! 61*c at stock clocks!

I have 32gb of Kingston Hyper X DDR3 1600mhz ram running at 1600mhz, I can't get it to run at 1866mhz for some reason??? If anybody else has this problem please let me know?

I have an ASUS M5A99FX-PRO-R2 motherboard, its actually a great board though I have thought about getting an Asus Sabertooth 990FX to replace it because some Sabertooth 990FX boards support PCIE3.0 but I really don't need to I guess because my board serves its purpose..

All my games run great and I have never had a single problem with it in the two years since I built my rig, all in all I'm very happy with it for what it cost me..

Have any of you guys had any problems with your FX processors and are you all enjoying your gaming experience???

Thanks.. Regards: Alex
Sadly even to get a FX 8 stable without throttling you need quite an expensive board. To chase 5ghz and beyond you need a very expensive board (they never did come down in price) and that means that you can quite easily buy an Intel set up that will trounce the AMD one.

It's a shame but that's just how it is now.
Sadly even to get a FX 8 stable without throttling you need quite an expensive board.

Nah, you just need about £60. Its gotten alot cheaper now then it was 6 months ago. I mean, I only paid £30 for my 'board back when I first got my 8320 but that was because it was a b-grade item from Aria. It was an archaic M5A99X Evo (v1) with only has a 6+2 powerphase but unlike most 6+2 motherboards it actually had sufficient cooling. I ran it slighly OC'd most of the time and it never batted an eyelid.

I still crack out my ol' 8320 from time to time to run as a virtual host/general Linux messing around machine. It ran at 4.2ghz/1.4V when I was running it on my ol' seidon 120M. IT never throttled and (IIRC) it would max out at 50c if it had been running flat out for around 8 hours. Currently its running at 4ghz/1.3v on a Scythe Big Shurkien 2.
6+2 boards are generally £60-£80. You'll be lucky to pass 4.5ghz with one. 8+2 boards are £150+.

The problem is the Skylake I3.

By the time you buy that and a Centurion you could have bought an I5 Skylake with motherboard that would pee all over it.

In gaming the Skylake I3 walks all over the FX 8s. Not only that but you can buy a board for about £40 for the Skylake I3 making it cheaper.

Up until Skylake an overclocked FX 8 was still a decent proposition. Now? it should be forgotten.

Don't get me wrong dude I love AMD and I still have my 4.9ghz 8320 (well, it's on a long term/forever loan to my step son) but the FX 8s are very old tech now and will be ditched in a few months when AM4 appears.

I guess if you are running like, VMware or Xsplit then you could still get some value out of one, but for gaming the Skylake I3 6100 just destroys the AMD.
By the time you buy that and a Centurion you could have bought an I5 Skylake with motherboard that would pee all over it.

In gaming the Skylake I3 walks all over the FX 8s. Not only that but you can buy a board for about £40 for the Skylake I3 making it cheaper.

Up until Skylake an overclocked FX 8 was still a decent proposition. Now? it should be forgotten.

Don't get me wrong dude I love AMD and I still have my 4.9ghz 8320 (well, it's on a long term/forever loan to my step son) but the FX 8s are very old tech now and will be ditched in a few months when AM4 appears.

I guess if you are running like, VMware or Xsplit then you could still get some value out of one, but for gaming the Skylake I3 6100 just destroys the AMD.

i don't doubt the skylake i3 beats the fx, i was merely pointing out that you dont need £150 for a decent mobo.
i don't doubt the skylake i3 beats the fx, i was merely pointing out that you dont need £150 for a decent mobo.

I guess it depends on how you define "decent". Apparently the Giga 990s are not very good and over complicated when it comes to overclocking. Whereas the Asus are amazing yet very expensive.

Either way £128 or whatever that board costs is too much now, given that you could buy the I3 and a board for about £10 more and get better gaming performance.

Even the title of this thread is hopeful. I mean really, it should read "Those who were silly enough to not buy a 8320/50 and overclock the nuts off of it owner's thread".

And BTW let's not even get into the cooling side of the FX series too. For decent clocks you need at least a double thick 120mm rad or a H100esque cooler costing £100 or so. You can't just throw on a £20 cooler and overclock with reckless abandon.
I guess it depends on how you define "decent". Apparently the Giga 990s are not very good and over complicated when it comes to overclocking. Whereas the Asus are amazing yet very expensive.

Either way £128 or whatever that board costs is too much now, given that you could buy the I3 and a board for about £10 more and get better gaming performance.

Even the title of this thread is hopeful. I mean really, it should read "Those who were silly enough to not buy a 8320/50 and overclock the nuts off of it owner's thread".

And BTW let's not even get into the cooling side of the FX series too. For decent clocks you need at least a double thick 120mm rad or a H100esque cooler costing £100 or so. You can't just throw on a £20 cooler and overclock with reckless abandon.
I was the one that started this thread mate and no you don't need a AIO to cool an FX series processor, did you read the very first comment mate? My 5820k actually operates at a higher temp than my FX9370 does, do you own an FX9370/FX9590?
I guess it depends on how you define "decent". Apparently the Giga 990s are not very good and over complicated when it comes to overclocking. Whereas the Asus are amazing yet very expensive.

Either way £128 or whatever that board costs is too much now, given that you could buy the I3 and a board for about £10 more and get better gaming performance.

Even the title of this thread is hopeful. I mean really, it should read "Those who were silly enough to not buy a 8320/50 and overclock the nuts off of it owner's thread".

And BTW let's not even get into the cooling side of the FX series too. For decent clocks you need at least a double thick 120mm rad or a H100esque cooler costing £100 or so. You can't just throw on a £20 cooler and overclock with reckless abandon.

Tbh mate I had a ud5 990 board myself, and it was a doddle to use and extremely stable....you may be thinking of the ud3 earlier revisions as they had problems with the cooling
I was the one that started this thread mate and no you don't need a AIO to cool an FX series processor, did you read the very first comment mate? My 5820k actually operates at a higher temp than my FX9370 does, do you own an FX9370/FX9590?

No I don't own one because they were over priced 83x0s so like many I just used common sense and bought the far cheaper CPUs and overclocked them.

Maybe if you'd started a thread about FX 8 core CPUs rather than illogical and expensive ones you'd get more replies suited to the topic.
Lets not derail a perfectly good thread or take it off topic, there are plenty of OC3D members that are still rocking these chips or have experience with them.
Lets not derail a perfectly good thread or take it off topic, there are plenty of OC3D members that are still rocking these chips or have experience with them.


Edit. Just to point out, that's not a sarcastic "really" it's a "I haven't seen any one around with one so do you know who has one?" "really".

Personally the only ones I have seen have been on OCUK and they usually get sent back when the user realises that their cooler/board what not can not maintain the clocks they come with.
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Maybe if you'd started a thread about FX 8 core CPUs rather than illogical and expensive ones you'd get more replies suited to the topic.

IF you are after a FX 8 core thread, use the search. If there isn't one and you have something constructive to add, start a thread that is relevant. Please keep the thread on topic. It is clearly stated what the thread is about and advice/experience with the specific chips is all that is needed.

Edit. Just to point out, that's not a sarcastic "really" it's a "I haven't seen any one around with one so do you know who has one?" "really".

Personally the only ones I have seen have been on OCUK and they usually get sent back when the user realises that their cooler/board what not can not maintain the clocks they come with.
Just do a quick site search, you'll see we've a fair few members who have experience of the AMD FX central heating. :lol:

To name a few forum members who own/owned and overclocked a FX 9*** series "alxcsb", "Paddiemayne", "elmonteslim" I can't remember off the top of my head but I believe Barnsley also has experience too.
Never owned a Gigabyte 990FX board but I did have a Gigabyte x99 Gaming 7 board and I couldn't get it to recognize my second card in SLI as well as Bios problems.. I RMA'd it and got an MSI x99a Gaming 7 instead and I must say its an excellent board with great features..
No I don't own one because they were over priced 83x0s so like many I just used common sense and bought the far cheaper CPUs and overclocked them.

Maybe if you'd started a thread about FX 8 core CPUs rather than illogical and expensive ones you'd get more replies suited to the topic.
Illogical and expensive? I paid $250AUS for my FX9370 and at the time an FX8350 was going for $230 so an additional $20 is not illogical and expensive plus I have a friend who has an FX8350 and he can't get it past 4.8ghz and I got mine to 5ghz I realize that an extra 200mhz is negligible but hey 200mhz is 200mhz and for $20 I think it is worth it..

I started this thread for FX9370/FX9590 owners though I do welcome a constructive conversation regarding FX 8 series processors but not hate regarding other peoples purchases.. If you don't like this thread regarding FX 9 series processors start your own thread on FX 8 series processors, no bodies forcing you to buy an FX9370 or FX9590 mate..
Wow that's far more than I expected tbh. Must say when OCUK had them for £140 or so I was tempted.

Quite a few of us have them in backup PCs/as toys. My 8320 is a bit of a trooper considering the amount of abuse I gave it. I've also had quite a bit of experience with the 9590 too thanks to a friend deciding to have one in a rig.

IIRC the 9590 he has is a golden chip and I seem to recall getting it down to 5ghz at 1.45v but I'll report back when I see him tonight.

The full rig specs are (IIRC)
9590 with a Noctua nh14
Crosshair Z
16gb crucial balistix Ram at 1333
2x 280X Sapphire Toxic both overclocked
some sort of 1000w silverstone PSU
Air 540 case with the side panel always off

He has it in a poorly heated shed-thing so its ideal for the winter. not so much for the summer. Its also properly fugly.

Illogical and expensive? I paid $250AUS for my FX9370 and at the time an FX8350 was going for $230 so an additional $20 is not illogical

The way the 9370/9590 has been priced in the UK has never made it a good option. Chances are that now if you get an 8320e you'll be able to get atleast stock 9370 clocks for a good deal less than either a 9370 or a 9590. As far as I see it (from results so far), the 8320e is a highly binned chip.
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Now listen, I don't have an 9xxx chip I have an 8350 and I've managed to get it at 5.3Ghz (not really stable) applying a scary amount of voltage and getting the load line calibrations to the extreme. I'm using the raijintek Triton
I own the 990FX sabertooth. At 5GHz that is my stable the VRMs stay cool.
Also regarding that "AMD central heating thing" I haven't experienced it yet since winter in Ioannina is kind of harsh :P
But at the University our lab3 has 25 11 year old opteron based PC's (Sun Ultra 20) those are the real thing.. During summertime that lab can hit 40C in some cases... During winter a lot of the students prefer it for the warmth :P