Happy new year guys heres the build. Full album with more pictures here,
Mobo installed with h105 layed in case for eye balling.
H105 with fans fitted, mounted to case.
H105 pump/block installed.
SSD installed and the fan controller from the back of the case removed and fitted in to the front for now, as that is where the sata power cable is going to routed to as are all of the fans apart from the h105s for now. (this is going to change on saturday)
Some the photos on my phone corrupted from h105 install up to psu install.
So now the gpu and psu have been installed. The gpu ends up coming out again ones the cables have been sized up and tided down so that I could get the front panel done. The usb 3.0 header was a nightmare so i had to use a cable tie holder to keep it sat. I might use some araldite to glue the cable tie downs to the case if I see the double side tape lifting. Looks to be ok at the minute, however, the white from the double sided tape is an eye saw and is drivng me mental.
PSU section fairly complete, I have new fans coming soon so I'll repost on saturday.
Front complete again till new fans.
I also pulled the foam out of the top grill as it was blocking the h105 from exhausting.
Temps are great so far, I played cs:go with vsync off to get the gpu revving up and ran prime95 at the same time. With the corsiar fans at 42% on the h105 temps where acceptable I think around 70- 80 on cpu and 65 on gpu but I will check again.
Thats about all for the build folks, hope you all enjoyed looking through, remember to check out the imgur album thats where all the photos are, ive only put a few in the post
Some more photos and temps are to come once I have got the new fans. I am finding the h105 fans far to loud at the minute, I have them set at 42% in the bios any lower and they don't spin. So push pull SP120 Quite editions are going in there instead. More money!
I plan to run the sp120s from the sata power in the front and then control them from PWM I will also take the h105s pump off the mother board.
p.s sorry about the long post and rambling, grammatical errors....