First steps in the overclocking world


New member
Hi all!

So Nyssa's been running for about a week now, and I wanted to start doing some overclocking.

Some specs:
Rampage V Extreme
32GB Corsair DDR4 2666
2x Tx
custom water loop

Obviously I started playing around with the cpu.
At first I wanted to see how high I could get it to go to have an idea of what kind of chip I got. The method I used was adjust the multiplier and the core voltage. If it booted, I ran aida64 stress test for 5 minutes (just a quick validation, not looking for a 24/7 clock anyway)

These are the results I got so far:

1) 4.5GHz @ 1.3V, passed the 5 minutes test
2) 4.5GHZ @ 1.274V, passed the 5 minutes test
3) 4.6GHZ @1.274V, booted into windows but soon failed the test
4) 4.6GHz @ 1.289V, booted but failed the test
5) 4.6GHz @ 1.299V, same thing, booted but did not pass
6) 4.6GHz @ 1.323V, passed the 5 minutes test
7) 4.7GHz @ 1.402V, booted but did not pass
8) 4.7GHz @ 1.422V, booted but did not pass
9) 4.7GHz @ 1.442V, booted but did not pass

I did not want to go much higher in voltage, as I'm not sure what the safe limits of the Haswell-e processor range is, even if they're under water.

Next up I searched for a 24/7 clock, which I wanted to set at 4GHz.
For now I got the following results:

10) 4.0GHz @ 1.076V, passed the 5 minutes test, even ran for about 30 minutes too. Will ran this one overnight to see if she passes.

Any thoughts on my progress so far? :)
How am I doing, suggestions for improvements, hints and tips, anything is welcome :)

Uhm, whut?..
This is clearly not the feedback I was looking for. I was surprised though not a single soul replied. Overclocking mustn't be a frequent thing on OC3D then, is it?

PS: Yeah I realise it's in the gpu department, my bad when I placed it there
Uhm, whut?..
This is clearly not the feedback I was looking for. I was surprised though not a single soul replied. Overclocking mustn't be a frequent thing on OC3D then, is it?

PS: Yeah I realise it's in the gpu department, my bad when I placed it there

I see what you mean mate, I did look at this thread when you posted it but never replied since I have no experience nor knowledge when it comes to overclocking. So it would've been a pointless post anyway :(

Neither is being a Noob. But no one called you out on that?
This thread while not old, is clearly dead. Stop reviving dead threads.

Not get why you say a thread is dead just because no one has replied?... A car isn't broken just because no one has driven it.

You, someone who actually knows this stuff, and I know you do since I've seen you reply on similar things during my time here... why reply with such a reply, rather than actually giving your opinion on something, which OP asked for?.

I just don't see why you couldn't give your opinion on it when you have some knowledge in this?... I don't at all, hence why I didn't reply to it.
Uhm, whut?..
This is clearly not the feedback I was looking for. I was surprised though not a single soul replied. Overclocking mustn't be a frequent thing on OC3D then, is it?

To be honest it isn't exactly a large part of the forums, none of the regulars are massively experienced in overclocking and not many have had the chance to play with 2011-3 kit as i'm sure you will appreciate.

Ignore the troll and counter troll, the thread isn't dead yet.

Just by the fact you ran through some clocks and voltages incrementally building up shows your going about it in the right. 1.35+ is a lot of voltage for any chip but if you have the cooling then I see no harm. I'm not sure if you did but when overclocking one aspect to find it's limit (ie. CPU multiplier) then set everything else back to stock clocks, including the memory timings and speeds. When you've worked through and found the maximum of each variable individually then see how you can combine them all to get the best performance. If your just benchmarking then all you have to do is optimize it and get it stable for that particularly benchmark.

When establishing a 24/7 clock a lot more testing is required so you can be confident with it's stability. Use an array of stress tests for extended periods. I would also advise running real world intensive tasks like rendering and probably some graphical benchmarks like 3dmark for good measure. Particularly if you use your rig for any kind of work, i've had overclocks that are OCCT/prime stable for 24 hours then BSOD when running CAD renders and engineering simulations. You can't really do enough testing for 24/7 clocks ;) OCCT linpack, AVX compatible, 90% memory usage, all logical cores enabled is the favored stress test on OC3D because it's pure CPU hell.

To be honest it isn't exactly a large part of the forums, none of the regulars are massively experienced in overclocking and not many have had the chance to play with 2011-3 kit as i'm sure you will appreciate.

Ignore the troll and counter troll, the thread isn't dead yet.

Just by the fact you ran through some clocks and voltages incrementally building up shows your going about it in the right. 1.35+ is a lot of voltage for any chip but if you have the cooling then I see no harm. I'm not sure if you did but when overclocking one aspect to find it's limit (ie. CPU multiplier) then set everything else back to stock clocks, including the memory timings and speeds. When you've worked through and found the maximum of each variable individually then see how you can combine them all to get the best performance. If your just benchmarking then all you have to do is optimize it and get it stable for that particularly benchmark.

When establishing a 24/7 clock a lot more testing is required so you can be confident with it's stability. Use an array of stress tests for extended periods. I would also advise running real world intensive tasks like rendering and probably some graphical benchmarks like 3dmark for good measure. Particularly if you use your rig for any kind of work, i've had overclocks that are OCCT/prime stable for 24 hours then BSOD when running CAD renders and engineering simulations. You can't really do enough testing for 24/7 clocks ;) OCCT linpack, AVX compatible, 90% memory usage, all logical cores enabled is the favored stress test on OC3D because it's pure CPU hell.


Now that's what I'm talking about right there! Oohraa on you JR! :)
Loads of thanks for that massive reply JR ;) that's something I can work with a lot!

Yeah indeed pcgamernoob seems to be trolling many threads, n/o but he seems to be making quite a bad rep for himself on here by not giving any actual input in different threads.

Back on topic: I guess I'll slowly try and find a decent 24/7 cpu clock. I don't have the power (yet) for massive ocs on the cpu and both gpus as I have an 860i installed. It's enough to have everythinh at stock speeds (650W absolute max when stressing all components) but ocs draw quite a bit more power. Guess I'll sell my 860i and get myself a 1200i for Xmas :D

For now stock cpu clocks are more than fine, dual titans shred everything you throw at them, but we do always want dat speed, right ^_^
It's hard to imagine for people on air how disappointing it is when your cooling setup exceeds the capabilities of your power delivery. I have similar kit to you but with slightly more power hungry 780's, balancing all of the overclocks is challenging with only 860 watts to play with. OCP has kicked in on multiple occasions.

I do enjoy overclocking and benchmarking but finding the time to truly validate a 24/7 clock is madness so I generally run stock too, it's not as if games care. Definitely going way way overkill on the PSU's next time.

Agreed i was going to ask but then again some 1 already said this is a dead thread which one is active maybe i can go mess with her