E3 2015 discussion thread


Average Penis Too
E3 2015 is approaching, and I thought it would be a good idea to create thread to discuss games you want to see and more E3 related things.

Of course the OC3D News Team will keep you up to date on things announced during E3, so keep an eye on the front page ;)

Anyway, I'll start with what I hope to see:
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 footage with release date
  • Dark Souls 3 announcement. I foresee a 2016 release.
  • No Man's Sky release date
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Just Cause 3
I wonder if there is going to be any news about another Unreal Tournament been waiting for like 8 years now.
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I'm really interested in No Mans Sky, PS4 and PC apparently.

But the one I'm REALLY interested in is Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Loved the last one even though graphically it looked a tad dated but fell in love with it never the less :)
I am curious about the amd/pcgamer show, the rest of E3 doesnt interest me so much, Cough real gameplay footage Cough.
I'd like to see Half Life 3 at E3 this year. I'd also like to win the lottery this weekend!

I'm pretty sure you have a better chance at winning the lottery than of seeing HL3. Even if you don't buy a lotto ticket...
I just want to actually go rather than read about it.. mainly for the PC gaming event.. but I couldn't afford to go even if i wanted:(
Now that I think of it, I would really like a new Hitman game!
I actually think that it might be announced, but that's just speculation.