Cylinder reservoirs - help


New member
I'm trying to figure out which one to get. I'll be using an EK dual D5 top that can fit an EK res directly onto it, but thats unpresentably uggly.

I'd like the pumps and the top they are attached to to sit hidden away but be attached to a separate cylinder reservoir that will be visible through the side panel window of the case.

There are a few, but I'm having a hard time finding any comprehensive reviews. Judging from the few I ve found (, some cylinder reservoirs seem to have a bad effect on flow rate whilst others perform very good.

Koolance have some reservoirs that perform well but all their cylinders are acrylic scratch magnets when you could have borosilicate glass tube reservoirs from Aquacomputer or maybe the XSPC Photon but both of them seem to mangle flow rates compared to koolance (see flow rate/pressure plot on

Anyone know of any glass cylinder reservoirs that doesnt do bad things to flow rate/pressure?
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Seeing as the reservoir is the last port of call for the coolant before it enters the pump to begin a new epic journey, I wouldn't think pressure or flow rate are terribly important - as long as it can deliver coolant freely via gravity to the pump, all the pressure and flow happens after the pump. Or am I wrong?
Have a look at the XSPC Photons mate :) and Davva you are spot on there in what you said the res feeds the pump