You cant wow gamers with anything these days. I dont know what it is but God himself could create a game and youd have legions of haters snarling all over the internet. As a gamer for over 30 years I have to admit that we are the biggest bunch of cry baby bitches on the planet. Crysis sucked because it was too demanding, Crysis 2 sucked because it wasnt demanding enough. Mass Effect's ending was garbage so Bioware does something unheard of and comes out with a free DLC that extends the ending sequence and does a very solid job of ending the series but still gets constant hate. Dead Space games got hate because 2 and 3 were different and theyd progressed with a new and better combat, controls and weapons system not to mention improved graphics, music and story. Everybody hated it because 2 and 3 werent exactly like 1. However BF 4 and Modern Warfare get hate because they just rehash the previous game and dont really change or improve anything. Batman Origins, a superb game, had a few bugs, none of which were game breakers, and were all patched within about a week but mention that game to this day and people come out of the wood work to bitch about all the bugs it had.
I dont know why we're so hard to please but I dont see that trend ending anytime soon. Every new game is met with bitching and moaning about something. Even if there's nothing wrong with the game it still sucks because EA is the devil and so yeah.
As for the graphics, I was blown away the first time I played Crysis and I was again blown away when I first played Crysis 3. The first time you come up into New York, I spent a good 15 minutes just wandering around looking at the scenery. I really enjoyed the game too.