Corsair Carbide SPEC-ALPHA


News Guru
Meet the Corsair Carbide SPEC ALPHA Corsair's latest budget oriented chassis with a aesthetic that aims much higher than it's $79.99 price tag.


Read more on Corsair's Spec Alpha case.
Now that would have looked good with my red and white themed system, however I am happy with my nice red Areocool DS200, though still missing the window side panel.
Oh dear god thats the ugliest case I've ever seen come out of Corsair. It looks like one of those £40 OEM gaming cases that you see under x amount of different names.
Nice try with the Shroud Corsair it has potential but needs to be full length with grommets in the right place, mine looks better ;) all in all it's a tidy little budget chassis.

As for e-mail notifications Tom I'm getting nothing from OC3D now, not even getting subscribed thread stuff anymore. (Gmail)
Even stock, is 20TB not enough?


20TB would be stupid expensive for 2 drives, I was thinking more along the lines of 2 x 4TB WD blue drives as they have retired the green moniker and then fitting a drive cage of sorts for 2 more drives :)
;887728 said:
20TB would be stupid expensive for 2 drives, I was thinking more along the lines of 2 x 4TB WD blue drives as they have retired the green moniker and then fitting a drive cage of sorts for 2 more drives :)

It looked like 3x 3.5" and 2x 2.5" to me, 6TB drives aren't insanely expensive it would be easy to build a pretty huge server without mods (by home standards). Not saying you should but looked like you could.

Oh dear god thats the ugliest case I've ever seen come out of Corsair. It looks like one of those £40 OEM gaming cases that you see under x amount of different names.

It sure does, it looks like something you would buy from 10 Years ago if you wanted a "Gameish Type" case

IMO it looks like a case CIT/AvP/that OEM case maker would have made after seeing the Bulldog. Atleast the Bulldog is designed to replace a console's place in the living room.

I think Corsair is starting to take steps backwards there not going forwards IMO
I kind of like this one for what it is. It's different, and does not try to pretend to be something its not. I can see doing a really cool AMD or HOF build in the red and white one.