Not meaning to complain, just that I find the channel quite boring these days.
Why are the videos so few an far between? Also quite dry and kinda like "been there done that"-like.
Logan is lacking his eye twinkely-twink and inspiration from back then.
Moar content!
Moar reviews of , I dont know ... stuff ... not just same "old" cases, gpu s/psu s and mobos every once in a while but maybe more of the new watercooling stuff thats coming out or w/e.
Sry for my rant but I really enjoy TTL when hes on a roll in his videos and would like to see more of it.
Why are the videos so few an far between? Also quite dry and kinda like "been there done that"-like.
Logan is lacking his eye twinkely-twink and inspiration from back then.
Moar content!
Moar reviews of , I dont know ... stuff ... not just same "old" cases, gpu s/psu s and mobos every once in a while but maybe more of the new watercooling stuff thats coming out or w/e.
Sry for my rant but I really enjoy TTL when hes on a roll in his videos and would like to see more of it.