channel taken a boring turn


New member
Not meaning to complain, just that I find the channel quite boring these days.

Why are the videos so few an far between? Also quite dry and kinda like "been there done that"-like.

Logan is lacking his eye twinkely-twink and inspiration from back then.

Moar content!

Moar reviews of , I dont know ... stuff ... not just same "old" cases, gpu s/psu s and mobos every once in a while but maybe more of the new watercooling stuff thats coming out or w/e.

Sry for my rant but I really enjoy TTL when hes on a roll in his videos and would like to see more of it.
Some more modding too :).

While I appreciate running the site, forum etc takes a chunk of time, delegate it to someone else so you can make some content, the stuff I imagine you probably enjoy doing :).
He's busy overhaulling the site and creating a new design for everything. That's time consuming. It's not like PCGamer where they have a full staff to do things, we have a handful of people. I can bet once the site is finished and rebuilt, more videos will appear. However not everything goes on YT. Most of it is just a written review on the site. Should always look there if you want more content. People seem to forget not everything they do goes on YT
Pretty much what NeverBackDown said, We have a small handful of people and that's a lot of work to spread around.
He's busy overhaulling the site and creating a new design for everything. That's time consuming. It's not like PCGamer where they have a full staff to do things, we have a handful of people. I can bet once the site is finished and rebuilt, more videos will appear. However not everything goes on YT. Most of it is just a written review on the site. Should always look there if you want more content. People seem to forget not everything they do goes on YT

I agree and TTL is no Linus either where Linus will review just about anything just to get a video uploaded on Youtube.

This is why i like TTL He doesn't upload every damn day so for me i enjoy the TTL videos alot more cause of that reason.
I agree and TTL is no Linus either where Linus will review just about anything just to get a video uploaded on Youtube.

This is why i like TTL He doesn't upload every damn day so for me i enjoy the TTL videos alot more cause of that reason.

True, Plus Linus' videos are around 6-8 minutes long with 2 minutes at the end of "Please give us money and buy this t-shirt and use the link when buying something from amazon and please give us money" where as TTL's are 30+ of detailed info and zero amounts of begging and lately only literally a 10 second advertisement spot about Cablemod which is refreshing, Short and sweet like it should be, That takes planning, Scripting, Editing etc etc......Linus has a dedicated team and facility to cope with production i.e

Linus Sebastian - CEO and Host
Luke Lafreniere - Chief of Technology
Edzel Yago - Lead Visuals
Brandon Lee | Cinematographer
Taran Van Hemert - Editor
Nick Light - Sales & Biz Dev
Nick Van Berkel - Editor
Jon Martin - Writer & Benchmarker
Dennis Liao - Editor

That's a butt ton of people *Not mentioning a few other part time workers* each with their own dedicated workstations and a maHOOsive all round workplace.

OC3D has an office and like 4 people so of course videos are gonna be spaced out, Written reviews however are published very frequently.
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True, Plus Linus' videos are around 6-8 minutes long where as TTL's are 30+, That takes planning, Scripting, Editing and etc etc, Linus has a dedicated team and facility to cope with production etc... i.e

Linus Sebastian - CEO and Host
Luke Lafreniere - Chief of Technology
Edzel Yago - Lead Visuals
Brandon Lee | Cinematographer
Taran Van Hemert - Editor
Nick Light - Sales & Biz Dev
Nick Van Berkel - Editor
Jon Martin - Writer & Benchmarker
Dennis Liao - Editor

That's a butt ton of people *Not mentioning a few other part time workers* each with their own dedicated workstations and a maHOOsive all round workplace.

OC3D has an office and like 4 people so of course videos are gonna be spaced out, Written reviews however are published very frequently.

Yes, same applies to Tek Syndicate too, I just got to a point with Linus's videos i just wasn't enjoying them anymore compare to TTL & TS.
Meh who the hell care's what Linus has to say?
All i see from him is biased c**p and adds for c**p i will never buy...
I come here for long informative videos that seam to be missing from the web on information i'd like to know on new technology.
No one else does what TTL and OC3D do, half as well as they do it, with a LOT less people, and if you want QUALITY then you come here if you want generic crap then go elsewhere, this is THE premier channel for content, and it takes time to put all the information together in an accurate and understandable from a noob to enthusiast format.
Give me well thought out reviews that take time any day to Linus's 20 seconds of crap with 20mins of ads! and where everything is the best!
At least you know here it gets told like it is!!!!
What's been said in the above posts, TTL's vids are really, REALLY detailed. The amount of work and research, testing, making all the graphs and so on must be very time consuming to say the least. It's quality over quantity here for sure.
Let me illustrate this with an example: When I was looking for 900D case reviews he was the only one who had such a detailed video where literally every single bit and possibility was discussed while even measuring certain areas of the case to give people an idea of what would fit and what not. If I'm not mistaken that was a 1hour 45min video, now that's what I call a detailed review ;)
Linus Sebastian - CEO and Host
Luke Lafreniere - Chief of Technology
Edzel Yago - Lead Visuals
Brandon Lee | Cinematographer
Taran Van Hemert - Editor
Nick Light - Sales & Biz Dev
Nick Van Berkel - Editor
Jon Martin - Writer & Benchmarker
Dennis Liao - Editor

That's a butt ton of people *Not mentioning a few other part time workers* each with their own dedicated workstations and a maHOOsive all round workplace.

All funded and paid for by begging, a private 'kickstarter-esque' campaign with no kickstarter tax (or guarantees), and donations from their forum and YouTube fan-base. It's an interesting business model.
All funded and paid for by begging, a private 'kickstarter-esque' campaign with no kickstarter tax (or guarantees), and donations from their forum and YouTube fan-base. It's an interesting business model.

Aye, their business is based so heavily on handouts, and even then they move their content onto a paid platform ontop of that just to get more.

Hell, has Linus done any Skylake stuff yet?
Technically there is only me and mark in the office

VB works from home

G-Dubs aka Gary is actually a full time radiographer (xrays - ct scans etc) and only reviews on his days off

Thats us in a nutshell.

Lately there has been a lot more testing to do and Ive not been working as mainy nights as I would have. Me chilling right out on the forums has come down to working hard on a normal sleeping pattern. If I dont sleep I end up like Dice when hes hangry
There are many reasons why computer part review sites have gone quiet. It's not just OC3D, all of the other sites I visit are quiet right now.

Don't forget we've been through (and are still in depending on what expert you believe) a recession. It's amazing that most of these companies have managed to survive tbh. That means that less products are coming out (still no TI Lightning) and thus there are less products to review.

Then there's the fact that Tom has been busy and let's face it, Linus talks s**t most of the time so it's not fair to compare the two.

I mean really, who needs to see a PC running in a bloody mini fridge to know that the crap don't work?

I also agree about the Linus making money part. He had people sending him cash a couple of months back to make a new office etc. He's always sticking his hand out.

Just chill and don't be so bloody rude and disrespectful to Tom.
Indeed. Quality over quantity. Some of the videos Linus knocks out are just dumb.

Mineral oil cooling a PC, which any one who has been around for more than five minutes knows, is completely dumb and a waste of time.

I've never really watched Linus' videos. They are all the same. Just him banging on about a load of old crap that doesn't interest me in the slightest.

As i have said TTL is the best damn reviewer on Youtube
Obviously a lot of people DO like them though.

We all have our different styles and thats gravy by me :)

His site, honestly, is like a baby sitting crèche.

As i have said TTL is the best damn reviewer on Youtube

Yeah I have to say I agree. If I'm about to lay out my hard earned beans on something I want the review to be thorough, and that's one thing Tom has always done properly. Even his rush reviews put most other sites in the shade.
All in all, I prefer quality over quantity. So Toms videos, whether on OC3D TV or Rushkit TV, are perfect for me.

To many video makers out there just open the box, flail the product around in front of the camera, then read the specs out. A trained chimp could do that. And then, if that trained chimp is Linus, it will be followed by a five minute begging infomercial about shaving. I swear that man would make a video about his daily dump if he could.

So yeah - TTL - don't gooooo changin', to try to please meee....