The Webmaster
I'm sorry but I can't not make a thread about this, this is my opinion, it's got nothing to do with being affiliated with this place in any way, and I imagine Tom might give me a slap for saying it.. But this is my opinion and I'm saying it (this is me taking off my staff / webmaster / admin badge at this point).
I don't see how people don't see this and aren't as annoyed as I am but I'm just really f'ing frustrated at seeing this on YouTube this morning.
So 'Channel Super Fun' (henceforth will be known as CSF or Channel Slush Fund if you prefer) hast just opened up a Patreon.
That's right, a 10+ man strong company, that gets sent more free stuff than you can imagine, creators and backers of a channel that gets free stuff by itself *already* is now on Patreon. A website for allowing small content-creators to have a little extra income from a few people who have a spare $ or two, that don't have regular income for what they put on their channels usually... Mostly for the smaller 1 man band kinda things.
Linus has one of, if not the, fastest growing/expanding tech review channels... ever? (I want to say ever, mostly because I can't think of anyone else who's expanded as fast as he has?). He used his YouTube popularity to create a forum, which is full of fanboys and kids and then did their very own 'Lets buy a warehouse' Kickstarter campaign which netted them tens of thousands of $ tax-free to get the business moved into bigger premises, hire more people etc.
None of that money needs any kind of return on it, no consequences, no risk, no shareholders to be beholden to, no investors, no business loans, and not even the real kickstarter fees... free money. A business which already has plenty of sponsorship money from the big tech companies _already_.
He hires (without being racist, but if you haven't noticed this.. come on) cheap labour for part of his staff, and exploits that in videos!!! (candidly points it out in fact).
And now he wants *more* money. And it's not even per-video, it's per-month. So it's not like it's based on creating content, it's just a god damn monthly retainer!
Now I'm sure regulars remember over the years we've suggested Tom setup some kind of donation system, or to give him money and he's always, ALWAYS said no. He's super reluctant to do it and doesn't feel it's right, he makes the money for the business using normal adverts on the site and a few in videos. Knowing a little more behind the scenes I know just how hard that is, I know Tom doesn't always take a wage from this, I know how much work goes into the reviews, the videos etc.. I have huge respect for him for not just succumbing to the idea of taking money off people like Linus has. Remember the uproar when we tried to stop people using adblock? That's the kind of thing that really hurts...
Maybe Tom really should get a Patreon up for the regulars? Maybe that's just how the internet is now?
LMG pushes adverts hard in their videos, they push hard for likes, comments, subscribes and for people to go and buy their crap, use their amazon affiliate link and everything else. That's on top of the massive money they'll have coming in from the big sponsors and bits they have.
Now, from a business acumen stand point, it's genius.. he's turned a 2 man business into a 10+ man strong thriving Hardware review youtube monopoly in just over 3 years and that's to be commended, well done. But to try and tell us that your little p***-about channel costs more than you expected? Well cry me a river... You do not belong on Patreon, suck it up and put it on the BUSINESS EXPENSES like everyone else, not everything in life is free. When you can screw around with a $10k+ CPU that you didn't even pay for, by trying to secure stuff to it with cable ties out of pure impatience, I have absolutely no sympathy for you what-so-ever.
I don't see how people don't see this and aren't as annoyed as I am but I'm just really f'ing frustrated at seeing this on YouTube this morning.
So 'Channel Super Fun' (henceforth will be known as CSF or Channel Slush Fund if you prefer) hast just opened up a Patreon.
That's right, a 10+ man strong company, that gets sent more free stuff than you can imagine, creators and backers of a channel that gets free stuff by itself *already* is now on Patreon. A website for allowing small content-creators to have a little extra income from a few people who have a spare $ or two, that don't have regular income for what they put on their channels usually... Mostly for the smaller 1 man band kinda things.
Linus has one of, if not the, fastest growing/expanding tech review channels... ever? (I want to say ever, mostly because I can't think of anyone else who's expanded as fast as he has?). He used his YouTube popularity to create a forum, which is full of fanboys and kids and then did their very own 'Lets buy a warehouse' Kickstarter campaign which netted them tens of thousands of $ tax-free to get the business moved into bigger premises, hire more people etc.
None of that money needs any kind of return on it, no consequences, no risk, no shareholders to be beholden to, no investors, no business loans, and not even the real kickstarter fees... free money. A business which already has plenty of sponsorship money from the big tech companies _already_.
He hires (without being racist, but if you haven't noticed this.. come on) cheap labour for part of his staff, and exploits that in videos!!! (candidly points it out in fact).
And now he wants *more* money. And it's not even per-video, it's per-month. So it's not like it's based on creating content, it's just a god damn monthly retainer!
Now I'm sure regulars remember over the years we've suggested Tom setup some kind of donation system, or to give him money and he's always, ALWAYS said no. He's super reluctant to do it and doesn't feel it's right, he makes the money for the business using normal adverts on the site and a few in videos. Knowing a little more behind the scenes I know just how hard that is, I know Tom doesn't always take a wage from this, I know how much work goes into the reviews, the videos etc.. I have huge respect for him for not just succumbing to the idea of taking money off people like Linus has. Remember the uproar when we tried to stop people using adblock? That's the kind of thing that really hurts...
Maybe Tom really should get a Patreon up for the regulars? Maybe that's just how the internet is now?
LMG pushes adverts hard in their videos, they push hard for likes, comments, subscribes and for people to go and buy their crap, use their amazon affiliate link and everything else. That's on top of the massive money they'll have coming in from the big sponsors and bits they have.
Now, from a business acumen stand point, it's genius.. he's turned a 2 man business into a 10+ man strong thriving Hardware review youtube monopoly in just over 3 years and that's to be commended, well done. But to try and tell us that your little p***-about channel costs more than you expected? Well cry me a river... You do not belong on Patreon, suck it up and put it on the BUSINESS EXPENSES like everyone else, not everything in life is free. When you can screw around with a $10k+ CPU that you didn't even pay for, by trying to secure stuff to it with cable ties out of pure impatience, I have absolutely no sympathy for you what-so-ever.