son of spanner
New member
hi all
bit of a odd one I have a msi twin frozr r9 290 and in the last two days its been running hot wen im not doing much with my rig wen I pull up the amd control centre it shows high load all the time even wen im just in the desktop and not doing anything and yes I know they are hot cards wen pushed im fine with that as I've just ordered a water block for it I've tried a reinstall of the driver with no luck
is this a windows thing or something its peeing me right off as I have to keep the door open on my phanteks evolv help the fans are doing my head in lol
bit of a odd one I have a msi twin frozr r9 290 and in the last two days its been running hot wen im not doing much with my rig wen I pull up the amd control centre it shows high load all the time even wen im just in the desktop and not doing anything and yes I know they are hot cards wen pushed im fine with that as I've just ordered a water block for it I've tried a reinstall of the driver with no luck
is this a windows thing or something its peeing me right off as I have to keep the door open on my phanteks evolv help the fans are doing my head in lol