Intel core i7 14700KF


Evening all

I did finally manage to get my new pc working after a bio update but went to turn it on this evening to come online and play some games but its now randomly running really hot for no reason

Im hoping i used the right code for the image as its been a while since i posted photos here.

anyway does this look right and is there away to use the old style bios as I'm not a fan but maybe because I'm not used to it as yet
Turn OFF ASUS optimiser. it pushes the CPU beyond Intels recommended limits.

your Vrm Core is only 1.279V

I had a quick check in my bios, and its also showing 1.777v for input but V core is only 1.305

time to ask the basic stuff... Did you put TIM on the CPU or correctly remove the plastic on the CPU cooler? ;)
Might be the CPU is not in contact with the cooler correctly.
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Turn OFF ASUS optimiser. it pushes the CPU beyond Intels recommended limits.

your Vrm Core is only 1.279V

I had a quick check in my bios, and its also showing 1.777v for input but V core is only 1.305

time to ask the basic stuff... Did you put TIM on the CPU or correctly remove the plastic on the CPU cooler? ;)
Might be the CPU is not in contact with the cooler correctly.

forgive me being stupid but how do you turn off the asus optimiser?

when i first checked the bios after it started getting hot the v core voltage was 1.45v so i dropped it to 1.3 and it would fail to load windows.

yes the heatsink is installed with tim and all plastic removed, i may try installing again just incase

edit: - what would you recommend for vcore voltage?
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Disable ASUS multicore enhancement.

as for Vcore. mine is still on Auto. Not got around to tweaking yet.

Yes the ASUS multicore enhancement was enabled in bios and turning this off has increased the vrm core voltage but its once again putting 1.456v threw the cpu and that seems like a lot when its sat pretty much idle in the bios and for the life of me i can't find where to change it


all was working fine until i turned it on the other evening and i had a windows recovery message come up when i tried to boot the pc up and ever since then its been getting hot and i also get this message that the system has posted in safe mode every time i turn the pc on


I'm not sure why windows had a problem and needed to be recovered as no programs or games etc where installed the last time i used it and i only turned it on to try and print something to make sure the printer drivers i installed a few days before had worked but then ran into these issues. I did also have to do a bios update to get shot of a d6 error i think it was from memory.
From what I've learned so far for the vcore is under the Global Core SVID Voltage, As an example I select Adaptive Mode and the offset mode sign as Minus/- and set the offset voltage as 0.05000 less of a volt but you should experiment and maybe go a little more to knock more temp off -

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Unfortunately it's known with ASUS, especially their ROG line, that they put way too much voltage through the CPU with their motherboards for no apparent reason really.
Unfortunately it's known with ASUS, especially their ROG line, that they put way too much voltage through the CPU with their motherboards for no apparent reason really.

There is a reason.

They want to win the review day benchmarks.
Fair point, albeit stupid, cheeky and untrustworthy to essentially push such voltages through customers CPUs for potentially years due to that.

Oh of course. You need to realise just how savage the competition is in China, though. So they really don't care about anything but sales. See also MSI and Gigabyte's dodgy behaviour buying reviews and bribing to remove the bad ones.
I honestly thought this would be common knowledge by now first thing I do is check chip specs and enter bios to sort it all out.
I honestly thought this would be common knowledge by now first thing I do is check chip specs and enter bios to sort it all out.

Sadly i have kept up to date with pc stuff due to suffering a neck and shoulder injury which has left me with tendon damage in the right side of my neck and nerve damage in my left shoulder. I am not sure if its getting better to this day or if i am just getting used to it now but i wanted and was overdue a new pc (not upgrade since sandy bridge) i just wanted to try and get back into gaming again
Sorry to drag this thread up again but it seemed like a better idea than making a new one for pretty much the same issue.

So i updated the BIO's on my motherboard and since then it's worse than it was before heat wise.

before the update i was getting max temps of 75 to 80 degrees and it was idling around 35 degrees with a room temp of 21.5 to 22 degrees but now after the BIO's update i am getting idle temps of 35 degrees but try and game on it and its straight up to a 100 degrees and also the mouse in the BIO's does not work, you can move the mouse around but can't click on anything at all as it just does not register.

I got the new/updated BIO's off the Asus website but the first two times i tired to update it all i got was the file was not a BIO's error message.
I did rename the file as instructed and it was a kind of third time lucky kind of thing where it sort of worked.

I guess my question is can you go back to an older BIO's and if so would you?? I am kinda bored of this Intel CPU now and really thinking of changing it to something else that does not give me so much hassle
Pretty sure you can go back to an older bios but did you make sure to disable the motherboard optimisations again after the update?