Cant enter bios

PC Master Race

New member
Got my pc booted up and ready been using it for like 2 days now but i want to go into the bios but i cant. When i was building the pc i enabled fastboot and it boots soo fast my keyboard doesnt turn on fast enough. I am currently using a MSI Z97S SLI PLUS motherboard. I have read the manual but it doesnt tell me how to get into it properly. BTW what will happen if i click the reset button because the pages have been ripped out by my brother.
Just hit the reset button, to be BIOS savvy you really need a PS2 K'board on standby, that way you have instant keys from power on.
I have a usb to PS/2 adapter, will that work? (it's a green adapter, mousey thing)

is there anyway i could do it without an adapter??


Just hit the reset button, to be BIOS savvy you really need a PS2 K'board on standby, that way you have instant keys from power on.

cant get a ps2 keyboard is there anyother way. BTW i have hit the reset switch like 20 times and still it boots up well too fast
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Pull the bios battery, that will make it error and want you to go into the bios to set it all up properly.
My Asrock board has a 'restart to BIOS' option in Windows for this exact situation. I'd imagine yours has something similar, check manufacturer website for utilities
There is a util on the motherboard install disk disk for this, but can't remember the name of it off the top of my head though.
If you have a keyboard like my old roccat valo. It doesnt support legacy so until windows booted the pc didnt recognise keyboard inputs. Pressing delete did nothing at boot.

I had to use an old kb at the time to get in the bios.