Batman Arkham Knight - stuttering on 980 Ti

Hi. My card is Asus Strix 980 Ti . When playing Batman Arkham Knight on all max details, 1920x1080 i have weird stuttering when moving or driving. Fps went for example to 49fps and then again to 80fps. Its when driving batmobile or running. Is this because of my only 8gb ram or what? My cpu is enough 4790k.

I am worried because i found a movie in youtube with user and he got the same pc and he have 70-80fps no matter what and no fps drops.

Here is link:

Why he had not drops?
Look there is no fps drops, but he have 16gb ram. Is this because i have only 8gb ram or something else?

ANd yes my cpu and gpu temps are fine. I am playing through STEAM.
Batman Arkham Knight is the most poorly coded broken pile of tosh I have ever seen.

Personally I wouldn't even give it the hard drive space (I very quickly uninstalled it after being given it for free).
He could have:
faster storage
more ram
a cpu overclock

There isn't enough detail in the video for you to make a comparison.
Yes he have 16 gb ram. Also i found another movie with guy with 980 Ti Gaming + 16gb ram and now he got exactly drops like i.

So its not cpu or ram reason. I dont know why. 16gb ram, 5820K, 980 Ti Gaming G1 and hes framerate droping like me. Can somebody explain this?

Rocksteady built the game round unified ram of PS4 which apparrantly doesn't translate well to PC....Plus the PC port wasn't done by Rocksteady, was done by some other small studio who did Arkham Origins.

My 5820K with an R9 Fury has the same issues...It is what it is sadly.
Hi. My card is Asus Strix 980 Ti . When playing Batman Arkham Knight on all max details, 1920x1080 i have weird stuttering when moving or driving. Fps went for example to 49fps and then again to 80fps. Its when driving batmobile or running. Is this because of my only 8gb ram or what? My cpu is enough 4790k.

I am worried because i found a movie in youtube with user and he got the same pc and he have 70-80fps no matter what and no fps drops.

Here is link:

Why he had not drops?
Look there is no fps drops, but he have 16gb ram. Is this because i have only 8gb ram or something else?

ANd yes my cpu and gpu temps are fine. I am playing through STEAM.

Batman Arkham Knight is known to have memory leak issues, especially on Windows 10, making 16GB of RAM preferable.

One thing to also note is that his 6700K uses DDR4, so his memory will likely be faster that yours.

Please list your full rig Specifications so that we have the data we need to help you.

I would advise that you upgrade to 16GB of RAM if you can or turn some settings down.
Eeryone who bought B:AK has been offered a full refund, that's how bad it is.

Asking why it's running badly on one machine compared to another is like asking why a turd changes colour depending on a different diet. It just does, and it's still a turd.
Shame I got it with one of my GPUs as a bonus so no refunds. (a different game would be a good compromise)
At least with the previous bundles you could choose your freebie and I got FarCry 4.

OP - Basically Batman AK is rubbish and the symptoms you're describing are pretty typical. It sucks to fork out for an uber card and get such poor performance but at least it's only in part of the game.
Let me clear.

I have weird fps drops when driving batmobile to 45 fps + for a second and then back again to 70-80fps.
My cpu is 4790k, Asus Strix 980 Ti. I checked in youtube some user movies with the same GPU and CPU but with 16gb ram and they dont have that drops to 45-50 fps while driving in batmobile. Only me is dropping to 45-50 fps when i am driving fast in batmobile. Fps just goes to 45-50 fps and back again to 70-80s. Other peoples when i saw youtube dont have that problem.

So i have a question. Is this because of my ram or maybe i must buy SSD? I checked usage of ram and its nearly 6gb. Cummulative usage of ram is 10gb. I must buy more ram or not? Thx
I have the newest drivers.

I know that game is not optimized well, but why other peoples have stable 70-80fps when me not.
I am confused . Because ram usage is 5.8gb and cummulative usage is 10 gb. I have Windows 10. Is this because of ram or maybe i must have SSD? Game just after 3-4 minutes of gameplay starts lagging like i said.
Yes temps of cpu and gpu are fine. No throttling.

My pc:
4790k stock
8gb ram 1600mhz
Asus Strix 980 Ti
Windows 10
newest drivers nvidia

Please help me. I must decide today to buy 16gb ram or not.
I minimize game to check ram usage:
Let me clear.

I have weird fps drops when driving batmobile to 45 fps + for a second and then back again to 70-80fps.
My cpu is 4790k, Asus Strix 980 Ti. I checked in youtube some user movies with the same GPU and CPU but with 16gb ram and they dont have that drops to 45-50 fps while driving in batmobile. Only me is dropping to 45-50 fps when i am driving fast in batmobile. Fps just goes to 45-50 fps and back again to 70-80s. Other peoples when i saw youtube dont have that problem.

Yeah, We've already given you an answer which is that you shouldn't compare someone on the internet running it fine unless they have the exact components.

As we have said they don't give enough info to compare your PC to theirs. For all we know they could be using a PCIE SSD (very fast and expensive) or maybe your HDD is knackered. I think that because you don't have an SSD at all it could very likely be that as a normal mechanical HDD might not keep up.

I mean, if you spent that much on the components you should really have bought an SSD...
Yes but i saw other peoples videos in youtube with 980 Ti and 16gb and they hadnt drops to 40-50 ;/

Like here:

I tested the same sequence in game. After 3-4 minutes game is dropping to 40-50s and again up to 70-80s. Damned. So first buy SSD not more ram?

Actually yeah I think memory would be the wiser move for the minute, Just checked the game and it's using 8.1GB, Nuts.

Don't remember it using that much before the latest patch though.
guys help me. I am getting weird low gpu usage when i am driving batmobile. Fps randomly spikes to 40-50 fps for a second and go back again to 70-80 fps . During fps drop, my gpu usage is going to 44% and go back again to 66%. And that dropps are always on the same areas ,places in game. When i am driving in batmobile fast, my gpu usage and fps just goes down for a second.
My pc is fine:
16gb ram 1600mhz
Asus Strix 980 Ti
Corsair 750 RM

Other peoples dont have that issue from what i saw in youtube. HEEELP . Game is updated in STEAM of course. What could it be?
guys help me. I am getting weird low gpu usage when i am driving batmobile. Fps randomly spikes to 40-50 fps for a second and go back again to 70-80 fps . During fps drop, my gpu usage is going to 44% and go back again to 66%. And that dropps are always on the same areas ,places in game. When i am driving in batmobile fast, my gpu usage and fps just goes down for a second.
My pc is fine:
16gb ram 1600mhz
Asus Strix 980 Ti
Corsair 750 RM

Other peoples dont have that issue from what i saw in youtube. HEEELP . Game is updated in STEAM of course. What could it be?

Possible list of things -

  • Latest driver for the GPU

  • Consider doing a clean GPU driver install by uninstalling it, Booting up into safe mode and using DDU which is available in the link of my sig, Simple to use driver cleaner utility.

  • Defrag your hard drive

  • Make sure nothing is running in the background when playing the game like downloads, Programmes etc...