Backup my dvd


New member
I have a lot of DVDs and I am looking to make backups because A lot of them are old a scratched I am looking a program that will give me high quality 1080p rips of the dvd and some blue -Ray file says it's not important A real good quality rip is all I'm after is there any good programs out there easy to use that can do this.
Unfortunately I do not have the Internet capacity to torrent the DVDs because my Internet speed is so low and my download limited is so low it is only Ten Gb a month
I have a lot of DVDs and I am looking to make backups because A lot of them are old a scratched I am looking a program that will give me high quality 1080p rips of the dvd and some blue -Ray file says it's not important A real good quality rip is all I'm after is there any good programs out there easy to use that can do this.

Try MakeMKV it's free I've been using it to watch and rip some of my Blu rays.
im interested in the same thing and i have purchased both nero for its recode and akrok to do the ripping and any time i do the rips the picture is perfect but the audio is out of sync. i have even emailed the customer service and they gave me the email equivalent to shrugging their shoulders lol. so yes i also would be intereseted to see what other people use for this