The link aggregation is total bull for the normal user.
two links both at the same speed as determined by your onboard lan will not give you double speed.I have time tested this with this router and it makes no difference.I teamed my computer lan connections and then ran two cables to the aggregation link ports 1 and 2 on the difference to a single connection and thats a fact. I had the DSL AC68U before this one and had no end of trouble.had it replaced after one year and now I am replacing it after two years because of dropouts and ports going dead intermittently. i can't be bothered sending it back in for repairs so its a spare.
One thing i did notice was the coverage of the wireless despite all the claims are no better than the AC68U and the speed shows nothing extrordinare that you would notice.My son wont use the gamer mode as it is more trouble than it is worth