ASUS AC5300 and AC88U Router Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

Need to replace that crappy router that your ISP gave you and get something with the features and WiFi range that you need? Let's have a look at ASUS' RT-AC5300 and RT-AC88U, two of the most powerful routers you can buy.

ASUS AC5300 and AC88U Router Review
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About time some proper hardcore wireless routers came out, I've gone back to wireless now for gaming as powerline is a bloody gimic, every adaptor I get dies after a year and I've tried several brands. Good review.
No need. WAN throughput would be 200mb/s max with the fastest internet available in the UK atm

I am not UK based, here in the Netherlands there are connections up to 1 gbit bidirectional. Not that it is available to me (hopefuly yet). But had my eyes out for this review since you teased them on facebook as it looked like a killer router to clean up my utility closet.

So for me it was always a miss that the wired throughput is put to the side on all the reviews. Its like the top speed of a car, in the uk above 70mph (right?) is useless, but then again it is nice to know it can do xxx mph.

and again to test it (a bit) was not the greatest challenge for you, hook it up in your network, with wan on your current network and your laptop on the lan. Then download / upload a file from / to your server (with http/ftp for example). you get an basic kinda test, what is already a lot more then all the other reviews.

Then I would be happy :D and all reviews should make Xcite happy :P
I think I might invest in a AC88U in the future as I need more Ethernet ports and don't want to be using a Switch attached to the router in order to get more ports.

It would be interesting to see how it copes with speeds of over 200Mb down and 12mb up ;)
Asus 5300 and 88u

Looking to replace my failing linksys e4200.i don't know which to choose I have heard the 88u is fine if you do not run more than 10 wireless devices sure that CES they had more coming out soon also.i just want a future proof router.
The link aggregation is total bull for the normal user.
two links both at the same speed as determined by your onboard lan will not give you double speed.I have time tested this with this router and it makes no difference.I teamed my computer lan connections and then ran two cables to the aggregation link ports 1 and 2 on the difference to a single connection and thats a fact. I had the DSL AC68U before this one and had no end of trouble.had it replaced after one year and now I am replacing it after two years because of dropouts and ports going dead intermittently. i can't be bothered sending it back in for repairs so its a spare.
One thing i did notice was the coverage of the wireless despite all the claims are no better than the AC68U and the speed shows nothing extrordinare that you would notice.My son wont use the gamer mode as it is more trouble than it is worth
The link aggregation is total bull for the normal user.
two links both at the same speed as determined by your onboard lan will not give you double speed.I have time tested this with this router and it makes no difference.I teamed my computer lan connections and then ran two cables to the aggregation link ports 1 and 2 on the difference to a single connection and thats a fact. I had the DSL AC68U before this one and had no end of trouble.had it replaced after one year and now I am replacing it after two years because of dropouts and ports going dead intermittently. i can't be bothered sending it back in for repairs so its a spare.
One thing i did notice was the coverage of the wireless despite all the claims are no better than the AC68U and the speed shows nothing extrordinare that you would notice.My son wont use the gamer mode as it is more trouble than it is worth

Well Ive got both of these set up including a managed switch and initially Im getting over 200MB/s both ways. The point in a single system with teamed lines is so you could have a server connected with the teamed connections and then you could transfer to your main system at max gigabit speeds and still have wireless users and or another wired rig doing the same without a drop in performance.

Its not going to magically improve your internet and you need other machines with teamed lines if you want more than gigabit speeds from one rig to another.

Sadly I dont think you fully understood this.