A guide/introduction into watercooling

Updated with fitting radiators.

Good stuff! I've been a little lazy the past few days regarding spec'ing up my water cooling bits, no excuses (other than lazy, that still applies lol) for not getting on with it really!


Thanks for the info about the Pump tops, I have a couple of D5 varios and for my next build I think I will be putting some tops on them to increase performance. I have this link that I kind of used Skinnee labs D5 top comparison but as I didn't really know what I was looking for, it didn't help me much. Will ask for more help when I start my build log!
Thanks for taking the time to put a lot of info into one place dude. Just a shame I've come across it after a couple of weeks of sleepless nights of researching

Anyway, here's a link for D5 pump top comparisons. There are some tops missing, but given there are still hardly any D5 tops about
it's a start.


Which I just noticed was linked at the top of page 2 :$