4790k vs 5960x


New member
I know this is a very unusual comparison, but I need some advice.
I'm looking to build a new gaming rig, with a goal of the absolute best gaming performance.
The problem is that my main focus is on flight sims (like DCS) which require a high clock speed, and only use 2 threads. This is due to the fact that they use old engines which are heavily CPU dependent.
I'm basically thinking about two options:

1. 4790k build:
+very high clock speeds (stock 4.4 GHz boost), also seems it easily goes beyond that
-8 MB cache
-DDR3 ram
-16 PCIE lanes

2. 5960x build
+20 MB cache
+DDR4 ram
+40 PCIE lanes
-lower clock speeds (stock 3.5 GHz boost)

I know I should go for the 4790k given DCS requirements. But I have seen that you can disable individual cores on the 5960x, and I'm hoping that at least 2 cores from a 5960X cpu will be great for OC-ing. This way I would have high clock speeds and also 20MB cache, DDR4 ram and 40 PCIE lanes.
My idea is that a 5960x with the two best cores enabled will easily beat the 4790k in applications with single or double-thread workloads.

I also intend to put in two 980's in SLI.

So what do you think? If money was taken out of the equation, which cpu should it be?
Will a 5960x reduced to perhaps 4 cores beat the 4790k in this scenario?

Thanks in advance for all your input and thoughts!
(I haven't found any info on the 5960x gaming potential when it is reduced to 4 cores and high clock speed, and that's why I'm posting in the OC forum)
I would pick the 4790k and overclock it as far as it can go and just run with that.

If you still would like the 2011 stuff then the 5930k would be the best option, having 40 pci-e lanes and still able to overclock makes the 5960x a bit pointless for what you want with it, plus the 5930k runs 3.5ghz while the 5960x runs at 3.0 on stock anyway.
I would pick the 4790k and overclock it as far as it can go and just run with that.

If you still would like the 2011 stuff then the 5930k would be the best option, having 40 pci-e lanes and still able to overclock makes the 5960x a bit pointless for what you want with it, plus the 5930k runs 3.5ghz while the 5960x runs at 3.0 on stock anyway.

Thanks Dark Night!
In terms of pure performance for double-threaded games, which CPU do you think will be the absolute fastest?
Get a 4790k

The 5960X is no faster than anything else clock for clock and core for core.

X99 is also a bit quirky as it is a new platform with a few problems.

I don't have anything against the platform as I am using a 5960X to type this.:)
Get a 4790k

The 5960X is no faster than anything else clock for clock and core for core.

X99 is also a bit quirky as it is a new platform with a few problems.

I don't have anything against the platform as I am using a 5960X to type this.:)

You're using a 5960x to hit the keys on your keyboard ? Dude that's just showing off :p
I'm using a 4930k now.:p

I found a rare and only known picture of you that exists anywhere :p

Get a 4790k

The 5960X is no faster than anything else clock for clock and core for core.

X99 is also a bit quirky as it is a new platform with a few problems.

I don't have anything against the platform as I am using a 5960X to type this.:)

So can you disable individual cores of your choosing? (For example cores 2,3,5 and 8)
Have you OC-ed your 5960x? Do you think disabling some of the less performing OC-ing cores will allow you to get a higher OC on remaining active cores? Would this have a big impact on thermals and power consumption?
So can you disable individual cores of your choosing? (For example cores 2,3,5 and 8)
Have you OC-ed your 5960x? Do you think disabling some of the less performing OC-ing cores will allow you to get a higher OC on remaining active cores? Would this have a big impact on thermals and power consumption?

Yes you can disable cores but no it does not make much difference to overclocking. I think the extra silicon even if it is not active still causes the active cores to warm up.

I also find DDR4 performance to be very poor on the 5960X compared to the hexcores and the X99 platform to be full of bugs (I hate seeing code bd come up everytime I reboot for example).

Overclocking on the 5960Xs is not great either (about 4.5ghz seems to be the norm) and the 4790k will overclock better if you get a good one.