4 screens


New member
hi guys, i have 4 27" screens, i can set all 4 screens so i can use them all individually, but what i want is to run the 3 in eyefinity and the 4th for my telemetry screen. it will let me set all 4 as eyefinity but i cannot get the 3+1 setup, does anybody have any ideas as to how to set them up as 3+1 ???. the 4th monitor is set above my middle screen. i have a R9 290X lightning
Doesn't it work in AMD control center?... Can't remember what it's called on my 6950, as I'm on 980Ti now.
Plug the 4th screen into integrated graphics if you can. Make sure IGD multi monitor is set to on in BIOS and make sure the iGPU drivers are installed.
I'm running a similar set up mate, with 4 x 24" 3 in Eyefinity, and the 4th above, the set up is simple. I left the 4th unplugged, whilst I set up the group of 3, shut the PC down, connect the 4th, power back up, and it was detected straight away, all I had to do was move it into the position I wanted it to be in via Windows.
For the eyefinity setup one of the monitors you want to be in the eyfinity has to be plugged into a display port.
then you go to CCC under desktop manager and "creating and managing desktops" you click on detect to see what is what then you select the monitors you want to be your eyefinity setup right click create group.