3dmark 11 - red dots in screen in performance 1 test.

Hi. I have Windows 10 Pro and when running 3dmark 11 performance mode 1 test i am getting red dots on all over the screen ,in loading screen and on test.
This is not happen when i run in extreme mode. Software problem?

Also in games is ok, unigine heaven fine too.

Card is Asus Strix 980 Ti Oc factory.

Can somebody check if have windows 10 and 3dmark 11 that 1 test on performance mode?
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Switch out to older drivers see if that helps.

If it's not that it could be number of things, Either your GPU is faulty, Your monitor has a fault or even your PSU is faulty.

But they are always exactly on the same place and only on performance mode.In extreme is ok. Red dots on the loading screen and test. Can somebody check this on pc? I am using newest drivers.
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But they are always exactly on the same place and only on performance mode.In extreme is ok. Red dots on the loading screen and test. Can somebody check this on pc? I am using newest drivers.

Already tested it and I have no red dots.

As I previously stated, Swap your drivers for something older, Swap out your screen for something else temporarily etc etc...


Please don't turn this into another thread were you ignore everyones answers.
Please don't turn this into another thread were you ignore everyones answers.

I'm starting to have a really horrible feeling that this is the same guy who trolls on OCUK forums. He posts thread after thread, mostly about the same few bits of software.


Seems he has history with 3dm11....


It would seem my suspicions were correct. I ran his username through Google with "OCUK" after it and it took me straight to that thread, where he was banned for exactly the same behavior.

I think he's Polish.
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Apparently he's been doing this since 2012, Not listening to anyone etc...That is dedication level of trolling XD
Hi. I have Windows 10 Pro and when running 3dmark 11 performance mode 1 test i am getting red dots on all over the screen ,in loading screen and on test.
This is not happen when i run in extreme mode. Software problem?

Also in games is ok, unigine heaven fine too.

Card is Asus Strix 980 Ti Oc factory.

Can somebody check if have windows 10 and 3dmark 11 that 1 test on performance mode?

Stop wasting peoples time.

You troll this garbage on numerous forums.

Go and read a good book on Quantum Physics instead as I am sure the answers you are looking for will be in there.
Right boys lets not discuss someone publically like this shall we.

There are plenty of members on this forums that have some kind of learning or mental problems and we ALL need to try to treat and help these people as fairly as possible. Talking about them behind their backs in plain sight really isnt fair.

If I see anything else like this Ill genuinely be sending you off to the sinbin.

In reply to the OP - something helpfull - sounds like something memory related to me. Try turning your GPU memory clock down 50MHz. The fact it does it in one bench and not another isnt unusual tbh, the different versions run completely differently and put totally different levels of load on things.
My card only with res 1280x720 showing red dots on all over the screen. What can it be? Is my cad faulty? Its only when i am using 1280x720 resolution. No matter if 3dmark 11 or Unigine Heaven or desktop. Fraps cant record this. I have them even on desktop on that res.

All above resolutions are fine without dots. Its card,cable or monitor?
My card only with res 1280x720 showing red dots on all over the screen. What can it be? Is my cad faulty? Its only when i am using 1280x720 resolution. No matter if 3dmark 11 or Unigine Heaven or desktop. Fraps cant record this. I have them even on desktop on that res.

All above resolutions are fine without dots. Its card,cable or monitor?

As TTL said it could be a memory issue then.

Just curious but why are you running 1280x720 on your desktop ? Or is it just for testing ?

Also are your power leads properly clicked into place ?
No but i was testing 3dmark11 with 1280x720 and saw this. And that resolution giving me red dots on a screen no matter or 3d or desktop. So it is card issue? ( fraps cant record this )

Yes power leads clicked properly.

Test with some older drivers, If you can test with a different monitor or maybe even swap out the display cable you can start properly troubleshooting.

Normally red dots are artefacts from overclocking the GPU, GPU overheating or even a faulty GPU, From my experience.

As you have a 4790K plug your monitor into your motherboards display port and then see if it goes away.

If it does go away then you have a faulty GPU.