X99 Upgrade Time


New member
I am currently running a Maximus V Formula and a 3770K which is plenty, but with this new stuff out now, I feell the urge to upgrade to the latest and greatest.

I am an Asus fan and love their ROG boards, and the Rampage V Extreme but I have been taking a look at what else their is out there. The MSI X99S Gaming 9 AC looks nice and has the game recording thing, but from the few reviews I have seen on it, its got problems. Maybe they have no idea what they are doing like many other reviews I have come accross lol. I game in 7680x1440 so NVidia shadowplay is usless to me as it does not work in surround.

The Gigabyte GA-X99-GAMING G1 WIFI looks to have just about everything else for the lowest price of them at only $334, And the creative audio looks to be a nice addition.

Or maybe I should just get the Asus board and not fart around with it. I tried to save some money on my current system buy going with AMD and the FX-8350 but I sold it within the first 3 weeks and went with Intel.

ASRock also looks to have some nice stuff and I have built many systems for customers on a low budget but I don't know about them at this level.

EVGA I just completely dislike the look. All those silver caps look so old school compared to the competion.

Asus Rampage V Extreme
MSI X99S Gaming 9 AC