According to my doctor.
Ears are an open orifice. This means they are prone to bacteria. Closing off those holes allow bacteria to breed faster.
The upshot? clean your ears daily. That's about all you can do really.
Just in case you didn't believe me
Thats my point.
When you leave your ear buds on your coffee table, hallway stand, desk etc where you have them exposed to all sorts of germs spreading, they pick up everything, and then you put them in your ears. I am lucky to have a mini kitchen near my office desk with alcohol/anti bacterial solutions which I can clean them with. Then I pop them into my hard case. Not had an ear infection since I was a little lad.
Funnily though, doctors suggest not to clean them as regularly as you think. People who do that regularly as the ones who are more prone to infection. The wax after all is proven antibacterial and antifungal properties
I've never had an infection and I'm not sure if it's just luck or because of this, but cleaning your ears is generally considered a bad thing to do for avoiding infections
Spot on
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