Which SSD controller is better


New member
Hey all,

I'm looking to upgrade the 2 Corsair SSD's that i have in my gaming system atm cause the Corsair SSD's will be going into my Parvum build.

So I'm looking at the Kingston HyperX Savage & Samsung 850 EVO Series i maybe comparing the wrong ones but any how, The ones i'm looking at is the Kingston 240GB or Samsung 250GB & Kingston 480GB & Samsung 500GB.

I really can't tell much of a difference between them apart from the size & speed wise there pretty much the same, Price wise there around the same

TBH it doesn't really matter who you go with ATM as they are all pretty much the same nowadays just go with one that suits the system aesthetics and you should be right
TBH it doesn't really matter who you go with ATM as they are all pretty much the same nowadays just go with one that suits the system aesthetics and you should be right

It doesn't really matter with the colour i have the FD Define S, I kinda really don't want to get with the Samsung's cause of the issues they had with the 840's i know it's been fixed with the 850's but the 850's are better with the size.
Agreed - I'd go for aesthetics as any differences would be noticeable in tests and benchmarks but that would be it. Not a great difference (considering the price gap) between the Evo or Pro (Samsung) or the Fury v Savage (Kingston).

One of the Samsungs had an issue I recall but I think that was the 840 series not the 850s. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure.

I like the look of the Evo's - just a simple yet classy look and would go with any build. Pro looks nicer with the red but it's an extra 50% price premium
Agreed - I'd go for aesthetics as any differences would be noticeable in tests and benchmarks but that would be it. Not a great difference (considering the price gap) between the Evo or Pro (Samsung) or the Fury v Savage (Kingston).

One of the Samsungs had an issue I recall but I think that was the 840 series not the 850s. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure.

I like the look of the Evo's - just a simple yet classy look and would go with any build. Pro looks nicer with the red but it's an extra 50% price premium

Yeah it was the 840 evo's that had the issue, Price wise it's only a $10 difference between the 240/250GB but it's a $30 difference between the 480/500GB.
I have an old Kingston HyperX and that's going strong. If you want to stay away from the Samsung then The Fury's look the goods.
I have an old Kingston HyperX and that's going strong. If you want to stay away from the Samsung then The Fury's look the goods.

From what i have heard the Kingston SSD's expect for the SSD now are pretty good i have seen on here that JR raves about them on how good they are so it looks like i will end up getting the Kingston ones, It's a pity that Kingston offers 2 versions of the kit one is just the SSD & the other is a full kit i haven't been able to find the full kits here.

Kingston did a bait & switch on the SSD now model.
The bundle? Where you get a screwdriver and 3.5" adaptor plate and stuff? I got one with my original HyperX a few years ago. I like the plate it's a nice metallic blue to suit my motherboard accents but apart from that there's no real difference. I think a plastic case to mount your drive in if you want to make the old one an external USB drive as well. The screw bits fell out of the driver. More a gimmick but yes did look nice. :)
The bundle? Where you get a screwdriver and 3.5" adaptor plate and stuff? I got one with my original HyperX a few years ago. I like the plate it's a nice metallic blue to suit my motherboard accents but apart from that there's no real difference. I think a plastic case to mount your drive in if you want to make the old one an external USB drive as well. The screw bits fell out of the driver. More a gimmick but yes did look nice. :)

Yeah it's a gimmick but it's nice to have a screwdriver handy it would save me going down stairs all the time to get a screwdriver :p
As far as I recall it was from PCCG. If not - Mwave but yeah I haven't seen any kits advertised for the new ones. I did use the enclosure it makes a great external disc although small capacity (back then I had a 60gb and upgraded to a m a s s i v e 120...) How prices have fallen!
As far as I recall it was from PCCG. If not - Mwave but yeah I haven't seen any kits advertised for the new ones. I did use the enclosure it makes a great external disc although small capacity (back then I had a 60gb and upgraded to a m a s s i v e 120...) How prices have fallen!

I've looked no one down here seems to sell them maybe this time it's a North World thing maybe too they just didn't sell well enough here last time when they were stocking them people just went for the normal kit not the upgrade kit.
Yeah i think it's more aimed at people upgrading from 3.5"
Still it's a nice kit

Yeah it is but it's like a $120 mark up which is way to much i did some searching before did find one store here that did have it the 480GB kit was like $374.26 & the 240GB kit was $184.28 the price for the 240GB kit wasn't too bad i guess.
yeah sounds a bit rich. If you're keen I'll see if I can find my Screwdriver and post it up.

Na it's all good it's only the 480GB kit is the mark up the 240GB is more reasonable price.

Kingston HyperX Savage 240GB 2.5in SSD $149.00
Kingston HyperX Savage 240GB 2.5in SSD Bundle Kit $184.28

Compare too

Kingston HyperX Savage 480GB 2.5in SSD $279.00
Kingston HyperX Savage 480GB 2.5in SSD Bundle Kit $374.26
Well an enclosure goes for about $15-20, a bracket for $5-10, a couple of cables for a few dollars each. The 240 deal seems reasonable but the 480 is crazy.!
Well an enclosure goes for about $15-20, a bracket for $5-10, a couple of cables for a few dollars each. The 240 deal seems reasonable but the 480 is crazy.!

Yeah the 480GB is a rip off so if i'm going to get the Bundle it would have been the 240GB kit.
First off sorry for the double post

But i have been having second thought about my SSD's i'm looking at buying it was going to be 2 of the Kingston HyperX Savage drives but they do have the price tag tho i'm thinking do i really need those drives or could i get away with something different or cheaper.

Should i keep the Savage drive as my OS drive and get a cheaper SSD for games.
For the games SSD maybe something like the 850 EVO or even the SanDisk Ultra II or even something else.
No reason why not. I have a Kingston 120 for OS and a Corsair Neutron 240 for games. about 70% of my steam account is on my 3.5" though as 240 just isn't enough with the bloated games these days.

If you have them on display then yes I can see why you'd want matching but aside from that there's no point paying extra if you don't need to.
Maybe you should do what i did instead of getting multiple drives just buy 1 large capacity drive of really good quality and be done with it, I've had multiple drives myself in the past had em separate and in raid and you know what it's been easier with just one!