too many shrooms
You should totally blame it on the auto correct. I do that all the time
Haha yeah I will bare that in mind for next time
You should totally blame it on the auto correct. I do that all the time
One of the things I have noticed is that Blue hasn't been here long but seems to want to rub people the wrong way, was going to comment on this sooner but let it lay but not anymore, so settle down Blue you are not doing yourself or anyone else any favors.
Aye we had this out in another thread, we believe this is probably the retaliation tbh
Why y'all jumping to conclusions so early Could the that the OP just likes to express their ideas!
There are obviously better ways and OP was rather unreasonable. Though I am interested in regards to what the ETA is. The Forum is doing alright for end users at the moment so there isnt any real hurry.
OP has quite an extensive history of stepping on people's toes.
I may be the devil's advocate on this forum, but there is a place for that. There is no place for being condescending.
I like the current forum structure, it's one of the reasons why i stuck to this one instead of other forums like LTT. It may not be modern and artsy, but it's functional and compact. I'd take that any day over fancy new design.
Just thought i'd step in with one thing, while OC3D may not look as polished as some of the other forums out there at least it has open customization for signatures and avatars and it actually has a 'rig gallery' sub-forum. Like for actually posting threads of your rig! How obvious is that... yet who is one of the only tech forums to have it
As for the OP, well where is his build log? where is his rig gallery? where is his desk/work area post? Taking criticism or praise from somebody who rarely shares anything themselves is impossible in my opinion. Every post seems to have an underlying tension and at times i've just walked away from the keyboard rather than replying and I think something might be learned if the OP did the same occasionally.
You should totally blame it on the auto correct. I do that all the time
lol auto correct is for people that never learned to spell
Or Dyslexic, or those who don't use English as first language. Please let your brain kick in before the mouth opens so to speak.
Anyway as for the forum. Its outdated but I like it above many others. Its not cluttered with random crap. I can come here and search for something and find it relatively easily and quickly. Its easy on the eyes and makes a pleasurable read during my breakfast, lunchbreak, office hours ... hmm I do some work during the day trust me
I'd happily donate a little something something towards rejuvinating the forum providing it stays true to how its current state is, if that makes sense at all.
I'm not bothering to offer my suggestions because I'm pretty sure that those who work on this site, have been doing it so long that they know exactly what needs to be done.
I'm not bothering to offer my suggestions because I'm pretty sure that those who work on this site, have been doing it so long that they know exactly what needs to be done.
Yes, those are all reasons a person might not have learned to spell, you're right. I was making a little joke there and I guess you missed the 'lol' that means 'laugh out loud' and indicates humor.Or Dyslexic, or those who don't use English as first language. Please let your brain kick in before the mouth opens so to speak.