What do you think i need to get....


Hey guys, heres my story of my shitty computer haha i got for 600$

Okay well the computer works fine, the mobo is VIA so i can only overclock my 2.4 to 2.9 but not safly, and my mobo says it can use SATA but it doesnt and ive tryied to install the disk and stuff but doesnt work, so i have an unused 80GB SATA Baracudda

About a month ago, i turned my computer on and there was no picture and all, i RMA'd my 6600GT and got a new one, now the screen shows up and works fine BUT:

When i play games i feeze in all of them.....anyone kno what i should do....get a new PSU and Mobo or wat.....

if mobo im getting an OCZ powerstream 420w

New PSU shld help as you have a HUGE POS PSU right now ;). Just sit tight until you get that new OCZ, and then work from there.
Yep...get rid of that Asrock mobo. Purchase yourself some quality RAM, try to stay away from generic no-name stuff, and I'm sure the new PSU will work a treat for ya-providing stable voltages on which to overclock. Btw, which chipset do you have; the VIA PT880, PM800 or PT800 :)
yeah i wouldnt even try oc a computer with an asrock motherboard there great for stock users but when it comes to oc there a piece of shit
ok that chipset aint great i would recomend anything with a nvidia nforce 4 chipset

pci-e would prob be a gd idea it seems to oc better than agp imo

psu is sweet