usb 3.1 ports not charging


Active member
So I recently got a new gfx card and did a fresh install of windows along with updating to the latest BIOS.
Since then, non of my USB 3.1 ports (the blue ones), will charge my devices such as phone and vape, prior to this, they did.

There seems no longer to be an option in BIOS, or at least I can not find it.
PC has become self aware and realised that nasty vape gunk you put in your lungs will harm its master, so refuses to comply.
So I recently got a new gfx card and did a fresh install of windows along with updating to the latest BIOS.
Since then, non of my USB 3.1 ports (the blue ones), will charge my devices such as phone and vape, prior to this, they did.

There seems no longer to be an option in BIOS, or at least I can not find it.

I had that issue many years back. It was mostly caused by high PG vape. Which is being phased out now and replaced with VG. Mostly because it is better, takes higher temps, doesn't release the schmoo and doesn't contain lots of water which rusts coils.

That said, I got one of these recently for half price.

Not because of the vape. Mostly because when I dust it will catch the airborne dust and not settle down within 10 mins of cleaning. But.... What I was not expecting was it to help me sleep better and stop me sneezing to boot.

Well worth it tbh. It even has a thing in the top you can pop off and put nice smelling oils in. I got these.


Still on the strawberry one, smells superb. Will change to peppermint oil soon to prevent spiders driving me nuts all fall !
I got them working.
They perform so much better when actually plugged into the usb3 port on the motherboard :D