Upgrade from i5 4670K to i7 4790K?


New member
Hi guys,

I have upgraded to dual GTX 980's and beleive my 4670K may be bottlenecking them im running 16GB of DDR3 2400MHz ram along with the MSI Z87-G45 Gaming board but i dont know if the 4790K would help or would i need to jump ship and have to get a new board in order to obtain a cpu with sufficient power?

Many thanks :D
thats because unless its the thermals that are your problem, then theres no point in upgrading from th 4670k to the 4690k. they are practically the same chips with different IHS techniques

*edit* sorry your going from the i5 to the i7, an you wont see any extra performance in games
thats because unless its the thermals that are your problem, then theres no point in upgrading from th 4670k to the 4690k. they are practically the same chips with different IHS techniques

*edit* sorry your going from the i5 to the i7, an you wont see any extra performance in games

Sorry i think you may have mis read or i made a mistake in the post im looking at going from the i5 4670K to the i7 4790K
aye i did, do try not to double post though buddy use the edit button. but the answer to your question is no, you wont see any performance gain in games upgrading.
aye i did, do try not to double post though buddy use the edit button. but the answer to your question is no, you wont see any performance gain in games upgrading.

Ahh right ok thanks for the help i diddnt know if the i5 could deliver with dual gtx 980's installed
umm perhaps OC the CPU? Cause it is unlocked ya know, an ya aint going to get a faster CPU, the one you have now is the fastest i5 available aside from the Devils canyon one of which is a pointless upgrade for you. So just OC it.

just curious, how is the i5 bottlenecking your 980's?
When you say you "believe" the i5 is holding you back, what do you mean? What games? What resolution and settings?

If you are unsure then a great program to get is HWinfo64. Set it to log your CPU and GPU usage whilst you run a game - that will tell you for sure.

I very much doubt that the i5 is holding you back and to be honest if it is then getting the 4790K will make only a small difference (up to about 20%). To make big gains you would need more cores.
Changing the CPU will change benchmarks but will make very little difference in most games.....

Chucking money at things isnt always the best thing

Theres a phrase "all the gear and no idea" you should try to avoid this......
No game makes use of the i7's hyperthreaded cores. don't bother.

Crysis 3 and Battlefield 4 do.

I personally don't think he should upgrade because the performance gain in games will be almost negligible, but you're statement is still incorrect.
msi afterburner + riva tuner plugin thing + hwmonitor. (only works with 32bit games and benches though)

set it up so you get FPS cpu useag and gpu usage displayed on screen then go play some games or run some 3d mrk tests if you have the full version so you can go extreme or customize the settings..
(heaven dosent seem to like working with msi ab so dont use that but that wouldnt load your cpu enough to test either)

you can just watch the load and fps then.
if cpu is at 100% and gpu is not getting to the high % And frame rates are suffering then yes its a problem.. "remember that frame rates have to suffer too because otherwize the card(s) just didnt need to work hard"

BUT i dont think that will happen. and im pretty sure 4 solid FAST cores should be able to do everything the game + cards are asking of you.

if there is an issue some where that is causing you to perform at less than you should it may well be something totally different.
or it could be something silly like you just came from quad sli 780's and were expecting 4x faster..
Only game you'd see benefit in is probably 64 player BF. Most CPU bottlenecked games are that due to poor multithreading. In those games, 4670k and 4690k when ran at the same clock speed are identical in performance. Get some proper cooling and overclock, if you reckon you've got a bottleneck.
Crysis 3 and Battlefield 4 do.

I personally don't think he should upgrade because the performance gain in games will be almost negligible, but you're statement is still incorrect.

They do? I thought that bf4 actually making use of non physical cores wasn't a thing. Ah well. I know that Battlefield games prefer more cores, as my old 8320 kept up with intel's cpus in BF3 easily. Never heard about crysis, although I guess as thats another game that uses more than 4 cores that'd make sense.

Not incorrect, just unclear ;)