The Soulsborne Games Discussion Thread


Average Penis Too
Thought a thread discussing the Soulsborne series (Dark Souls and Bloodborne) would be a good idea.

My idea for this thread is to have a place to discuss the (amazing) lore, ask for advice / tips, share your achievements (boss-kills) and just general Soulsborne chit-chat.

I'm currently hooked to Bloodborne. It's all I play atm.

Just beat Vicar Amelia (third try). Had a lot less trouble than I expected. So far the only enemy I really had a hard time with was the Blood-starved Beast. Ironically enough, that was the only fight I had expected to beat on my first try.


The game is amazing so far, although I heard the second half of the game (Yahar'gul, the Unseen Village (Blood Moon), and the Nightmare of Mensis) feature an insane difficulty spike and have caused many players to rage-quit. Deffo not looking forward to that :lol:

Well then, I hope to chat with y'all! I really hope this thread will be visited, I'm not sure how many Soulsborne fans there are on the forums.
I've played the first game and whilst I did enjoy it at the beginning, it started to feel like a slog the further I got along.

I may need to spend a bit more time on it as I've only clocked 15 hours. I think I was level 30 or something.
I've played the first game and whilst I did enjoy it at the beginning, it started to feel like a slog the further I got along.

I may need to spend a bit more time on it as I've only clocked 15 hours. I think I was level 30 or something.

Not sure how far you are, but for me the original Dark Souls really sucked me in after I beat the Bell Gargoyles. After the Gargoyles the Drake Sword will really start sucking too.

I did make the mistake of summoning another player to help me with the Gargoyles, and he one-hit killed both Gargoyles and showed me all of the item locations.

Got until Anor Londo (halfway through) when I started my finals and combining that with news writing I had no time to play on. I'll continue after I get the Bloodborne Platinum Trophy.

I beat the Witch(es) of Hemwick today in Bloodborne. Probably the easiest boss fight in the entire game:

Played a bit of Darksouls on the PC and Bloodborne on a friends PS4, Seems extremely monotonous to me and kind of empty in the story sense, The art style is nice though.
Played a bit of Darksouls on the PC and Bloodborne on a friends PS4, Seems extremely monotonous to me and kind of empty in the story sense, The art style is nice though.

Aye, the game does very little to tell you the story. The story is quite deep, but you'll have to research it yourself (through guides, YouTube video's or whatever). Especially the story of Dark Souls is very good, but the game doesn't tell it.

Some area's can be quite monotonous, absolutely. Especially in the beginning (the first few hours of the games are designed to break you and make you quit). Most of the time the area's offer at least one new feature alongside a different aesthetic, but there's never a huge difference between area's.

I'm not trying to convince you of course, the Soulsborne series is for a really niche audience, and if people don't like it it's completely fine!
Probably my favorite games series of all time, I've played through DS2 about 20+ times :P

Havent had a chance to play bloodborne since I don't own a PS4, and of my mates who do own a PS4, not one has bloodborne :(
Probably my favorite games series of all time, I've played through DS2 about 20+ times :P

Havent had a chance to play bloodborne since I don't own a PS4, and of my mates who do own a PS4, not one has bloodborne :(

Aye, I bought DS2: SotFS during the Steam Summer Sale, still haven't really played it. The fact that you lose 5% of your max health every time you die seems a bit rough, especially when you're out of Human Effigy to reverse this. I should really try and get into it though!

Bloodborne was the main reason I got a PS4 tbh. If it were an Xbox One exclusive I would've gotten an Xbox One :p
It's my favourite in the series so far for sure. The H.P. Lovecraft-like atmosphere is amazing tbh
Aye, I bought DS2: SotFS during the Steam Summer Sale, still haven't really played it. The fact that you lose 5% of your max health every time you die seems a bit rough, especially when you're out of Human Effigy to reverse this. I should really try and get into it though!

Bloodborne was the main reason I got a PS4 tbh. If it were an Xbox One exclusive I would've gotten an Xbox One :p
It's my favourite in the series so far for sure. The H.P. Lovecraft-like atmosphere is amazing tbh

It's not really that much of an issue... Effigies are abundant in the game, and you can find a ring in the game that preserves your hollowing/souls when you die, and it only costs 3k souls to repair unlike in DS1 where it was 16k souls. Also you find the ring of binding early game, which stops the hp loss at 75%... more than enough tbh :P

I actually far prefer DS2 to DS1, even though most die hard fans would disagree with me. I just think it's far more of a polished game, little things like an improved UI/camera not fucking up all the time/any-direction rolls go a long way when you have like 200 hours played on the game :P
*Thread Revive*

I took a bit of a break with Bloodborne upon reaching the Nightmare of Mensis (the last area of the game). There were some mechanics that just seemed to add artificial difficulty, and it annoyed me senseless. Yesterday my cousins were over and one of them wanted to see Bloodborne, so I gave it a shot again. Everything went like a breeze. Beat two bosses, and got stuck at Gehrman. Gave it another shot today. Beat the game. Only took me 7 blood vials and 18 quicksilver bullets.

I went for the secret ending (which results in another bossfight after Gehrman), and now I already beat Vicar Amelia (see OP) in NG+! I think I might get the platinum trophy!
