Stephen Hawking Says Robots Will Be Smarter Than Humans Within 100 Years


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Stephen Hawking Says Robots Will Be Smarter Than Humans Within 100 Years. Do you think so?


Read more on Stephen Hawking's Thoughts on AI here.
yup, already machines are slowly taking over all human tasks, it wouldn't be weird to see them replace humans soon with much more efficient robots.

Also to mention above, 100% agree, we either need to dedicate ourselves to earth, stop polution, wars etc. and live for greater good of race or go full on out into space exploration and colonization, eventually countires will just have their own planets and would reach almost a state of peace depending on planet.
All this so-called fear for AI stems from the belief that we actually will manage to create artificial intelligence. Which we haven't yet and we might not even get close to within the next 100 years. I have a feeling that many people mistake VI for AI (virtual intelligence). VI isn't intelligent, it's just simulated. There's a big difference.

I'm not afraid of any of it. Right now it's just old wifes tales to me, like Y2K would bring us back to the stone age.
Whats he talking about. We make the computers and robots, they won't just one day go "Shit, got my own mind, lets kill everyone" he must be a massive terminator fan.
He's someone that the world listens to. (we should be listening anyway)

Once humanity gets AI capabilities, who is going to regulate AI's advancements from then on? AI would theoretically be able to advance at a lightning pace, leaving mankind's capacity for knowledge far behind.
Two countries might allow or encourage a totally different development of AI, depending on a lot of factors.
Weapons development could advance rapidly, raising the specter of unstable governments being in possession of mighty power.
Imagine North Korea if they really had the power to destroy everyone they think are enemies.
This would threaten world stability in new ways.
I still don't follow though, us humans just don't give them that kind of abiliity. It will just be Russia saying oh well we will give them that power and we want war so we go well okay, we'll give ours that power too.

It won't be a case of someone is superior or robots just decide to kill us one day.
Who knows what AI will bring? Who knows who will be making decisions about the development of AI's capabilities?

There are way too many variables.
I still don't follow though, us humans just don't give them that kind of abiliity. It will just be Russia saying oh well we will give them that power and we want war so we go well okay, we'll give ours that power too.

It won't be a case of someone is superior or robots just decide to kill us one day.
It's not that simple.
You hear quite often of leaks and hacks of databases for example. I'm sure that the people who worked on those tried to secure them as best they could( or at least i hope) but it still happens because it's impossible to simulate/think of every possible scenario.
Same thing applies here, it's impossible to define everything and sooner or later an AI or a person will find a breach and who knows where that will take us.
I for one welcome our new robot overlords, while fully and happily endorsing the destruction of the entire human species. Just leave me for last, that's all I ask. :D
All this so-called fear for AI stems from the belief that we actually will manage to create artificial intelligence. Which we haven't yet and we might not even get close to within the next 100 years. I have a feeling that many people mistake VI for AI (virtual intelligence). VI isn't intelligent, it's just simulated. There's a big difference.

I'm not afraid of any of it. Right now it's just old wifes tales to me, like Y2K would bring us back to the stone age.

Not a big difference.
AI= Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software.
VI= Virtual intelligence (VI) are programs that make intelligent decisions based on the virtual environments built around them, or merely interact with their environments in some manner.

While they both are done in different ways, the concept is the same. AI reacts/ takes action based off the information given to it by it's surroundings. VI is the same thing, but in a virtual world, that's where the differences end. They can still be used in the real world as well, In the real world they're often used for theoretical problem solving when physical environments for research is either dangerous or prohibitively expensive. AI can do those things as well..
Lets just say, things dont always proceed as one intends. Unforeseen consequences are going to happen eventually, regardless of how much testing and verification one does due to external variables.
I don't worry about it tbh.

I'd be more worried at the possibility that aliens are sat at their rigs playing their version of Sims and we are there Sims! Our thoughts and actions are their commands.