SSDs boost Fallout 4 performance on the Xbox One


News Guru
Fallout 4 on consoled target 1080p at 30FPS, but performance is often lower. Now it has been proven that an SSD can actually improve your consoles gaming performance.


Read more on Fallout 4's performance on the Xbox One.
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I didn't even know that they could have SSD's :D

Why couldn't they? They are technically a PC with a really locked down OS and no internet browsers:p

It's really interesting to see even with the SSD in the Xbone, it still lags behind the PS4 with the stock HDD. Guess that's the extra GPU grunt there. PS4 ssd didn't really improve much, kinda just removed 80% of all the dips in framrate based off the video.
My Xbone is relegated to a voice controlled netflix viewer now, and the occasional dabble at the Xbox exclusives like Forza 6, killer instinct etc.

Otherwise.. its a mediocre console.

It's taken them until now, to add an app for the controller allowing you to remap the buttons to what ever you like.
I don't think that's going to replace the current definition of an Xbox One any time soon.

Also external drives are faster than the internal storage on Xbox One.

I never said it would.. said it's technically that:) I don't think the word console will ever go away until the physical unit itself evolves to something else:)
And yes we have known that external drives are faster than the current one. Reasoning behind that is USB 3.0 is faster than the internal Sata 2 connection. It's a shame they did that.. i'm guessing its down to costs since they originally planned for the kinect to be bundled with it, they had to make a sacrifice somewhere.