Smalles GPU from Nvida & AMD with custom water block?


New member
What is the smallest GPU from Nvidia and AMD that has a custom water block made for them?? NOT taking in mind the universal ones...

I know the 750Ti has one from Ek:


But from AMD??
Why does it matter? for these cards, your going to be memory limited before you will need a waterblock to remove the heat instead of an air cooler... Its nothing but expensive and pointless and if thats your thing, may as well go LN2 and clock the thing crazy high for records.

Sorry minus pointless from LN2
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Why does it matter? for these cards, your going to be memory limited before you will need a waterblock to remove the heat instead of an air cooler... Its nothing but expensive and pointless and if thats your thing, may as well go LN2 and clock the thing crazy high for records.

Sorry minus pointless from LN2

Well that is not the point, why do people get i7´s when they are mostly gaming, why do people get killer rigs for benchmarking only etc etc... Just BECAUSE. Also it would be fun to do something that has not been done before.

Still, the question has not been answered yet.
a water cooled small gpu could in theory be run 100% silently with enough rad space probably wouldnt need any fans at all even on the rad(s).
obviously the cpu may end up being a bit of a different matter. but id imagine a well balanced build using a single loop with a large rad area and no fans
(underclock the cpu and drop the voltages so the card and cpu are almost exactly the same performance point)
with a silent/passive psu. and 100% ssd's for storage. you could make a Very quiet system.
If you chose the correct pump at the correct voltage it could be near silent.
And still be able to game "for a few hours at least"

Probably not something i would do but i guess its possible..

also then you have the small form factor builds. and people who water cool for the asthetics.
Again its not something i would do either.

but there are reasons for this sort of stuff, just because you or I dont really understand them does not mean they arent viable builds.
I think in theory that it could run all most silent even with a fan. Still - anyone know of the smallest AMD card that has a custom water block?
Even if you don't run fans there's still the pump that makes noise.

Palit do a passively cooled GTX 750 Ti, why not pick that up?
They dont have that one where I live though.... Also I wonder how hot it would get?

Provided you have good airflow throughout the case it won't get hot. Those things sip power.. hence why you don't need any PCIe connectors. Just don't plan on playing ULTRA settings for everything as it'll heat more than normal obviously, which could cause heat issues.
Yes, very true did not think of that. Only problem would be that its a tad too expensive for what I had in mind, but if you wanted a nice balls to the wall SMALLEST gaming rig then the mini 970 would be the one.

Still, from AMD´s side what is there???
The HD 7850 is probably the smallest AMD video card with a water block not shure if the block fits its rebrand counterpart (R9 265)
yes, very true did not think of that. Only problem would be that its a tad too expensive for what i had in mind, but if you wanted a nice balls to the wall smallest gaming rig then the mini 970 would be the one.

Still, from amd´s side what is there???

r9 285 itx.
I actually putted an Gigabyte GTX 960 Mini inside my moms PC recently, in an Cooler Master Elite 110 case. Haven't checked temps yet or so, but it's rather silent for such a small build overall, even to me.
I cant seem to find this XSPC water block for 970 mini. Cant you buy it seperatly?

The coolest water block for the 750Ti would be this:


with backplate......


How awesome is this???

Still cant seem to find a good water block for the AMD side in a small form factor.


Found one for this 260x:


Also from Alphacool:


with backplate:


Before anyone states the obvious that its not cost efective its NOT about that - its about finding the SMALLEST gpu with a custom waterblock possible.

I dont count the 970 mini as I cant find the waterblock anywhere except the uk (living in Spain).
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