Rise for the Tomb Raider PC sells 3x more than Xbox in the first month


News Guru
The PC Version of Rise of the Tomb Raider sold over 3x that of the Xbox One version in the first month of sale digitally.


Read more on Rise of the Tomb Raider selling 3x as many copies as the Xbox One Digitally in the first month.
Knowing Sqaure Enix they will call it a failure and make some studio cuts... They did that before, can't remember which game but they sold think it was 5 or 6 million copies(might have been a FF title) and they said it failed.. when in reality that's a very large success.

Still it's good to see TR doing good, despite not having interests in it. It just shows that PC gamers value good games and will buy them when they can and not pirate them(as much that is). Hopefully it encourages more games to come out on all platforms.
Knowing Sqaure Enix they will call it a failure and make some studio cuts... They did that before, can't remember which game but they sold think it was 5 or 6 million copies(might have been a FF title) and they said it failed.. when in reality that's a very large success.

Still it's good to see TR doing good, despite not having interests in it. It just shows that PC gamers value good games and will buy them when they can and not pirate them(as much that is). Hopefully it encourages more games to come out on all platforms.

They did say that about the Last TR game.
I've been looking forward to this one. Bought Arkham Knight late so I've been playing it lately but I'll be getting this one soon. Really glad to hear this news too. Any time something like this happens to let the developers know we're still here is a good thing.