New member
ok so i got this new razer mouse today and ive changed all my rig colours to black and green to match the mouse lights
anyways i was looking around for a razer wallpaper that i liked and i couldn't find one anywhere, so i decided to make one....
first thing find a png of the razer logo
find a nice texture/backdrop
open up both files in photoshop cut out the razer logo in 2 sections one being the logo and one being the wording, drag them onto the backdrop, the backdrop has light coming from the top so i duplicated the logo and rubbed the top bit out of the logo, so i ended up with two logo's ontop of each other but the top layer is only half the logo, lock the transparent pixels on the top layer so when you paint it with a soft brush it only goes on the logo, this effect makes the top of the logo lighter than the bottom so it is in keeping with the light of the background...
(there is other ways to do this effect but this is the one i did anyways i.e create a grad over it with the opacity turned down, but i wanted to dab the shadow on different bits of the logo more than others)
next the wording of the logo... if you turn the fill down to 0% it will be transparent, but when you double click the layer and go into effects you can add a inner shadow effect that will create a shadow inside the text, you can adjust this to match the light from the background....
then i duplicated the background and made the duplicated layer hard light so it would darken the background a bit and bobs your uncle pretty cool looking wallpaper........
Ive included the PSD with all the layers separated in this file, you can see all the style effects on the layers, this PSD is full res 2560 x 1440.. you can download it from here
feel free to mess around with the PSD and post it back on this thread btw
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