PS4 has a massive lead over Xbox One


News Guru
According to sales figures the PS4 is dominating the console market, with the PS4 reportedly selling almost 2x the number of units as the Xbox One.


Read more on the PS4's lead over the Xbox One here.
Have to rememeber that Sony reports actual units sold. MS reports unit's shipped.. They aren't the same as you can ship 20million units but only sell 8 million(as an example) PS4 is dominating for sure and has been since launch day.
I'll just leave this here heehee Sorry Console owners ^_^
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Everybody knows the PS4 is more powerful and for a long time was cheaper by far than the Xbox One so it makes sense.

I heard someone on YT say "PS4 master race!" last night though and I burst out laughing.
Everybody knows the PS4 is more powerful and for a long time was cheaper by far than the Xbox One so it makes sense.

I heard someone on YT say "PS4 master race!" last night though and I burst out laughing.

The XBONE becomes untouchable after 30 minutes or so because of the heat...
the PS4 is a better console, but the XBONE is better if you have a gaming windows PC, with the new in-home streaming feature also the xbone controller is awesome ^_^
Well that is no shocker. The more powerful console designed purely for gaming (which can also offer new gaming experiences) is selling better than the other console which was launched as a gaming/media hybrid machine.
The XBONE becomes untouchable after 30 minutes or so because of the heat...
the PS4 is a better console, but the XBONE is better if you have a gaming windows PC, with the new in-home streaming feature also the xbone controller is awesome ^_^

Austin Evans on YouTube did a thermal test and found the PS4 to run hotter and louder than the Xbox One.

XB1 under gaming load = 41'c
PS4 under gaming load = 40'c but with an exhaust temp of 59'c

XB1 under gaming load = 37DB
PS4 under gaming load = 43DB

I don't own either console but I did play around with one while I was house sitting and it didn't seem to get hot at all and was fairly quiet.
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The XBONE becomes untouchable after 30 minutes or so because of the heat...
the PS4 is a better console, but the XBONE is better if you have a gaming windows PC, with the new in-home streaming feature also the xbone controller is awesome ^_^

Austin Evans on YouTube did a thermal test and found the PS4 to run hotter and louder than the Xbox One.

XB1 under gaming load = 41'c
PS4 under gaming load = 40'c but with an exhaust temp of 59'c

XB1 under gaming load = 37DB
PS4 under gaming load = 43DB

I don't own either console but I did play around with one while I was house sitting and it didn't seem to get hot at all and was fairly quiet.

Owning both I can tell you that the PS4 is louder and hotter. If you don't have the volume high on the TV or sound system, then the PS4's fan is audible even 10ft away when under load. Then again I have very good hearing so maybe for the avg console person it won't bother them. In regards to temp I can't tell a difference tbh. Both get pretty warm quiet quickly
XB1 under gaming load = 41'c
PS4 under gaming load = 40'c but with an exhaust temp of 59'c

I don't know who he is but if the exhaust temperature recorded is higher than the actual component temperature then his methodology is questionable at best.

I don't know who he is but if the exhaust temperature recorded is higher than the actual component temperature then his methodology is questionable at best.


He used one of those infrared thermometers, so I don't suppose he was able to get actual, accurate component temps like we can by using HW Monitor etc.
He used one of those infrared thermometers, so I don't suppose he was able to get actual, accurate component temps like we can by using HW Monitor etc.

If he used that equipment and still got it wrong then he's doing something wrong as it's more than likely accurate than software will be. He would have to record the temps while it's running and taken apart and then measure as close he can to the chip itself.. the exhuast shouldn't be any hotter unless it's an enclosed area and it's cooking itself- which I know can happen as I've done that before(RIP PS3:()
The PS4 has GDDR5 videos memory whereas the XBONE runs GDDR3 there is the main difference

The memory differences in bandwidth is what allows the PS4's GPU(which has 50% more cores/the main difference) to not be limited in terms of resolution and etc. Imagine a 290x running GDDR5. Then imagine a 290x running on DDR3.. ya it won't do so well. It's the same situation but adding in another 50% decrease in power before the bandwidth differences.
I don't know who he is but if the exhaust temperature recorded is higher than the actual component temperature then his methodology is questionable at best.


The 2 temp readings are for the main body of the console and the 2nd for the hot air that comes out the back.

I'm guessing he didn't show 2 different readings on screen for the XB1 as the temp was around the same for both readings, Only reason why he didn't show it I'm guessing.

He didn't take them apart to test the component temps though as that would truly be entering anorak territory ^_^
The 2 temp readings are for the main body of the console and the 2nd for the hot air that comes out the back.

I'm guessing he didn't show 2 different readings on screen for the XB1 as the temp was around the same for both readings, Only reason why he didn't show it I'm guessing.

He didn't take them apart to test the component temps though as that would truly be entering anorak territory ^_^

Well if he's doing that much then mine as well get really into:p
Well if he's doing that much then mine as well get really into:p

For a 5 minute video it just wouldn't be worth it, Pointing a laser at a surface is just so much easier, Taking an hour to pull apart both consoles would just be a massive ballache to get 2 readings.