Project Stabbur


New member
Hi everyone, and thanks for checking out my project log :)

This project has been a dream for a long time but it is finally in motion.
I’m a novice modder and have never attempted a project of this ambition before.

I love computer and there infinite usability where your imagination and creativity are the true limits (and wallet size), and since joining this forum I have moved from being a gamer to more of a hardware and modding enthusiast.

The basic idea is that I want to make something unique that is more than a mod to me. I want to make a computer that is a reflection of me, my culture and my passion for computers.

I started designing this dream in Blender not knowing a single thing about 3D programs, but with time, youtube tutorials and about 60 revisions of different styles and form factors I ended up with something I am very proud of and consider to be a reflection of myself.

It will be a computer case designed as a Norwegian Stabbur. It will be made of pine because it is a Norwegian material that is strong and easy to work with. I will attempt to do as much as I can by hand using old fashion woodworking techniques.

As for computer hardware I have not baught anyting yet as I don’t know how long it will take to build. If it was completed today it would be something like:

Asus Formula z97
Intel i7 K-sku
Corsair Vengence Pro Red 16GB 2133MHz~
Nvidia GTX 980 Sli (I have an Asus ROG Swift monitor w/G-sync and I love it!)
Samsung 850 512GB SSD (If they release the 850 EVO I’d have 2x512 in Raid 0)
WD Green 4TB storage drive
Corsair RM 850w
And a full custom watercooling loop, hopefully with hard tubing in the top section.

So it’s time to view the “concept art”.









The project will be done but I don’t know how long it will take, but I have 90% of the wood material and bought a bunch of woodworking tools and I started building it a couple of weeks ago.

As for the pictures along the way I only have a cellphone camera and poor access to a proper camera so please excuse the lacking picture quality and operator skill ;)

Here is the progress I have made so far.





Please let me know what you think of this build and I’ll try to post updates as soon as I can. Thank for reading this and kudos if you made it all the way through.
haha everytime I see Stabbur I just think of Mackeral ;) Im sure the OP will understand what I mean.

Great work.
Thanks for the positive comments all :)

This looks really nice, just wondering what coating you are going to use for the wood tho?

I haven’t quite decided yet. I want to make it look a little darker and I have a few techniques in mind to make it look a little more weather worn. The plan is to use some of the cutoffs and try out some different colors before a make a final decision.

haha everytime I see Stabbur I just think of Mackeral ;) Im sure the OP will understand what I mean.

Great work.
Haha, I don’t think this would be a suitable color scheme though


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Really cool project Hellbeard. Im asuming you will finish that sucker with the traditional coating of tar?

/start history lesson..

What the heck is that stabbur thingy?
FYI the norwegian stabbur was historically a large external larder for storing both fresh and conserved foods and drink throughout the year. Much in the same way as the barn, the stabbur was an equally important element of the norwegian farm... that is before electricity came along and changed the world.
Purpose built in a location with decent shade during summer and always on high risers to prevent moist conditions from direct contact with water/snow as well as giving rodents a more difficult time getting into the building. In addiotion to the Stabbur there was also often a underground earth-cellar, dug out and built to stor those supplies needing even cooler storage.

Whats up with the canned fish?
Stabburet (The Larder) is also cleverly a large norwegian food brand.

/end local norwegian history lesson ;)
/start history lesson..

What the heck is that stabbur thingy?
FYI the norwegian stabbur was historically a large external larder for storing both fresh and conserved foods and drink throughout the year. Much in the same way as the barn, the stabbur was an equally important element of the norwegian farm... that is before electricity came along and changed the world.
Purpose built in a location with decent shade during summer and always on high risers to prevent moist conditions from direct contact with water/snow as well as giving rodents a more difficult time getting into the building. In addiotion to the Stabbur there was also often a underground earth-cellar, dug out and built to stor those supplies needing even cooler storage.

Whats up with the canned fish?
Stabburet (The Larder) is also cleverly a large norwegian food brand.

/end local norwegian history lesson ;)

I don’t think I will be using actual tar but I want the finished look to be quite similar. I have been looking inn to aging techniques and I have some I want to try out before I use them on the stabbur.
A little teaser is that one involves a blowtorch on a slow and rich burning setting to create random burn/aging pattern on the wood. But this will be in the late stages of the build

On another note:
Sorry for the lack of updates. I have had some health problems of late and haven’t been able to get any work done on the project. But I’m getting a little better so fingers crossed I can get out in the shed and continue work again soon.