

Active member
Hey guys,

So I got an email in my scam inbox earlier tonight, titles " [ Paypal Team ] " and this is what it looked like:


What I am wondering is literally how the f*** can it be my own email adress who have sent it to myself, when I never sent it. And why would I send such an email to myself?...

Anyone that has an explanaton for this?... I mean, I get alot of scam and spam posts on my email, but never something like this.

And in case you're wondering, I never clicked the link and never will. Just print screened it to show you guys.

From Paypal's official website.

Report Scams: Fraudulent Emails and Websites.
Report Phishing or Spoof email!
If you receive a suspicious email FORWARD it to spoof@paypal.com. Our security experts will be able to look at the email to determine if it is a fake. If it is a fake, then we will get the source of the email shutdown as quickly as possible. By reporting these emails you will protect yourself and everyone else too.

There are some hints about identifying scam email below but it is often very difficult to tell for sure since the scammers adjust their tactics. So, if you have the slightest doubt, send it to our experts for investigation.

Note: Please FORWARD the suspect email don’t cut and paste the contents because valuable tracking information about the source will be lost.

Just forward the email. Don't do anything else and ignore the email from them. It's a scam using Phishing methods. Click on this to read more about it.
Yeah just forward it to Paypal I get 4 - 5 of these a month and some from Barclays and Lloyds bank, wouldn't mind but I don't bank with them. I just spam filter them now.
Yeah just forward it to Paypal I get 4 - 5 of these a month and some from Barclays and Lloyds bank, wouldn't mind but I don't bank with them. I just spam filter them now.

Haha, same here lol!... Lloyds bank etc. What I'm wondering though, to they get my email cause of it being UK instead of SE?...
Due to I am most certain we don't have a bank called that here in Sweden.

And by spam filter, how do you mean then?... you don't even get them inside your spam/scam inbox?... cause I do. And even when I filter/block one, another fucking one pops up... I mean, how many are there and are just popping up like there's no tomorow? :huh:
I'm not familiar with hotmail, but my guess would be that the spammer put your email adress in the "screen name" thing of the email. If you have a way to look at the actual email header you'll most likely see that it is not actually the adress the mail came from.
I'm not familiar with hotmail, but my guess would be that the spammer put your email adress in the "screen name" thing of the email. If you have a way to look at the actual email header you'll most likely see that it is not actually the adress the mail came from.

Thanks for the tip, but the only way I know and the way I did look, showed that it was from my own email adress lol... this is some spooky shit.
An easy way to see if links in emails are legit is by right clicking them and selecting 'Copy link URL'. Then open a new tab and paste it in there (don't hit enter, just check out what the actual link is).
An easy way to see if links in emails are legit is by right clicking them and selecting 'Copy link URL'. Then open a new tab and paste it in there (don't hit enter, just check out what the actual link is).

Or you could just put it into a notepad .....
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An easy way to see if links in emails are legit is by right clicking them and selecting 'Copy link URL'. Then open a new tab and paste it in there (don't hit enter, just check out what the actual link is).

That option isn't available I'm afraid :(...