Very tidy monitor, but agree with everyone about the ms response time BS, it has a 3ms response time, but ya'll know that this is measured from say its native black to white and back again, but its much slower to change through the grey scales and normal colour spectrum, i.e from black to red and back could take 3 times longer.... its all a marketing gimick...........
ps - regarding what Bloodthirst said about response times, its true that your eyes will never see anything this quickly, but if the information/data being sent from the GPU to the 8ms res. LCD monitor is too much to handle (very rare though), you will see this on the hardware, even though the speed is something that your eyes wouldn't be able to interpret, your hardware would.
W00t to the day that we can get 0ms instant response and true black!!! I'd bury my CRT in the shitter and crap on it whilst suspended from the ceiling!