New monitor to buy

Dark Skies

New member
I've built since a week my gaming rig with i7 4790k, gtx 970, 16 Gb ram, etc.
Now i have to buy a new monitor with this specs:

budget 200 euro or less
24" or 27"
response time <5ms
refresh rate 120Hz or do you think a good 60Hz is enough?

Any suggestions?
Ohh... finding a 120Hz monitor for 200 or less euros might be tuff dude :/

Well depends on you really, can you really notice the difference between 60 and 120Hz?...
I mean, I have 3 x BenQ's 60Hz and sent back an ASUS VG248QE 144Hz monitor and I didn't really notice any difference in Battlefield or so. But that might just be me, you might notice it though.

And for 1080p I'd recommend an 24" and an 27" go for 1440p. As 1080 on an 27", that will look a bit funny ^_^
Playing far cry 4 at 1080p with no AA
Ok so 24"
The Acer Predator is very nice, a little over budget but i'll try to find it.
The Asus have 5ms but the hz?

Yeah sorry mate not sure what they cost in Euro but certainly worth finding the extra cash for, given its very high spec.

Playing far cry 4 at 1080p with no AA

lmao. I still loved that poster in Duke Nukem : Zero Hour.

Browneye.... There was another one too taking the piss out of Turok called BOLOK.
If youre on that tight a budget, you might want to forget about 120 Hz and stick with 60 Hz. Yes you can see a difference but its not mind blowing or deal breaking. You can play on a 60 Hz and have a great time doing so. I want to upgrade to a 120 Hz screen myself eventually but this 60 Hz HP is still working great. That one TTL linked to would be a very good choice. A lot of Asus monitors are very good. Personally Id rather have a 24" though.