Need help with my skylake build


New member
• Where are you located? Western NY between Buffalo NY and Erie PA
• What is your budget? Want to keep it under $4,000
• Will you need a monitor, keyboard, and/or mouse included in that budget? [COLOR="red"]No[/COLOR]
• Shall you be requiring an OS? Yes
• What will you be using this rig for? Gaming
• If gaming, what resolution will you be playing at? Initially 1080p, but as soon as this is built I going to be in the market for a 1440p ultra wide
• Will you be overclocking? Yes
• Do you need a full build or will you be reusing some old parts? Full build

I am having spinal surgery on Sept 30th so I hope to get everything ordered, assembled and running before that date, so it's ready to go when I get out of the hospital.

I had planned on building it in a gunmetal grey SMA8 from caselabs, but when I tried to order it they literally stopped offering them in colors the day before..... Wow my timing really SUCKs

So I've included Define S for the build and then once caselabs starting offering the SMA8s in gunmetal grey again I'll order and once I get it I'll rebuild this rig in the SMA8 although at the same time I will be adding a second video card and building a customer water cooling loop for CPU and GPUs.

Any thoughts, suggesting or opinions on the parts below would be greatly appreciated.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($369.90 @ B&H)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H110i GTX 104.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus MAXIMUS VIII HERO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($228.99 @ B&H)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB ) DDR4-3000 Memory
Storage: Intel 750 Series 1.2TB PCI-E Solid State Drive ($1050.98 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Zotac GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB AMP! Omega Edition Video Card ($649.99 @ B&H)
Case: Fractal Design Define S w/Window ATX Mid Tower Case ($89.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA P2 1200W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($194.99 @ NCIX US)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM (64-bit) ($139.95 @ B&H)
Total: $2864.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-15 10:51 EDT-0400
Seems quite solid, i would personaly go with FuryX, or maybe two FuryX's(dx12, async etc),but it deppends on which you preffer mostly, 980TI will be sufficient for 1080/1440p
Get a smaller SSD ($1K for 1TB is nuts), smaller PSU (more than a 650W though) and put the cash towards another 980Ti :), it'll make the 1440p ultrawide purr.
If you can find Windows 7/8.1 off eBay for cheap that's a retail copy, get that and then upgrade to W10. Would be cheaper:)

Also find it hard to believe with such a massive budget you won't be water cooling whatsoever? Especially with a caselabs case
If you can find Windows 7/8.1 off eBay for cheap that's a retail copy, get that and then upgrade to W10. Would be cheaper:)

Also find it hard to believe with such a massive budget you won't be water cooling whatsoever? Especially with a caselabs case

Oh, I will be water cooling, just not right out of the gate. Once a can get a grey SMA8 I'll be rebuilding the rig in it, adding a second gpu and water cooling the entire thing

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Two 980 Ti's dont pull that much power mate, even an 850W psu would be 200w of headroom.

Okay, thanks

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Seems quite solid, i would personaly go with FuryX, or maybe two FuryX's(dx12, async etc),but it deppends on which you preffer mostly, 980TI will be sufficient for 1080/1440p

Why FuryX, I thought it was completely destroyed by the 980ti?

Get a smaller SSD ($1K for 1TB is nuts), smaller PSU (more than a 650W though) and put the cash towards another 980Ti :), it'll make the 1440p ultrawide purr.

I'm planning on adding a second gpu when get around to buying an 1440p ultrawide.

As for the SSD, I was originally planning on a pair of 1Tb 850 EVOs but then I got wondering if gaming wouldn't benefit for the massive speed of the NVMe drives, and since I'm treating myself I figured why not.

Also I have a Qnap 4 bay NAS with almost 3TB of free space for bulk data storage, and only two bays are current used so I could add up to 12TB MORE of storage if it's needed (I currently have mirrored pair of 4TB WD Red hdd in it for storage of pictures, movies and any other data I want backed up.

I would love to hear what everyone here thinks of that, especially TTL.

Edited to add another question. I just saw pictures of the new, yet to be released, Asus Maximus VIII Extreme and I'm in love, the looks of it and it also appears to have a U.2 port built right into the board, on the edge so the cable won't need to stretch across the board. Had anyone seem anything on this mobo? I want, but since I need the new rig during my recovery next month I don't I'll be able to wait until it comes out. :(
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Naw, 980TI cant destroy FuryX in dx12 games, check async, 980TI supports up to 32 shaders at once, furyX supports 128 at once if im not wrong. And you get HBM! Now how cool is that!? :P
Naw, 980TI cant destroy FuryX in dx12 games, check async, 980TI supports up to 32 shaders at once, furyX supports 128 at once if im not wrong. And you get HBM! Now how cool is that!? :P

But when will any major dx12 titles start showing up? I like planning for the future, but often theses things take so long to actually enter mainstream use that I need to replace the system or component anyway.

I'm not being a smart ass, I'm actually adding since I really haven't been following dx12.

Also didn't I see that while amd got a huge boost from dx12, art last in the dx12 benchmark but basically it just narrowed the gap with the 980ti but it still couldn't beat it? Did I miss something?
But when will any major dx12 titles start showing up? I like planning for the future, but often theses things take so long to actually enter mainstream use that I need to replace the system or component anyway.

I'm not being a smart ass, I'm actually adding since I really haven't been following dx12.

Also didn't I see that while amd got a huge boost from dx12, art last in the dx12 benchmark but basically it just narrowed the gap with the 980ti but it still couldn't beat it? Did I miss something?

Not beat it? They are virtually tied or the Fury X beats. The heavier the load the more the Fury X gains on the 980ti. Same with resolution. AMD just does better at heavier loads for some reason and been that way for quite some time.

The Fury X tends to run about $10-20 cheaper than a 980ti in the US, so for Xfire you cold end up saving $40 and that's before tax and waterblocks. To top it off, Freesync monitor's are cheaper but a large amount($100+) even at 1440p. Money isn't really an issue for you but personally I would get a Fury X. I actually own one and absolutely love it! More titles are being announced for DX12 and more will be using Async Compute. AMD seems to do better with that so makes sense to get it. Also less driver problems as of late.
First let me say I am not anti amd, in fact 3 of my last 4 gpus have been Radeons, well 4 of 5 actually since my current card is a dual gpu card, a 5790.

But for more than a decade I've been hearing how ati drives used to be crap but they are great now, but over yet to see that they have changed their ways.

Now with that being said I guess I will dedicate this weekend to looking at the Fury X again since I have to admit, after it got slapped around by the 980ti on release I really haven't paid any attention to it so my info on it is out of date.

Thanks for the input, I'll let you know if I jump ship back and go with the Fury X, although is it jumping ship if I currently run an AMD gpu? :)
First let me say I am not anti amd, in fact 3 of my last 4 gpus have been Radeons, well 4 of 5 actually since my current card is a dual gpu card, a 5790.

But for more than a decade I've been hearing how ati drives used to be crap but they are great now, but over yet to see that they have changed their ways.

Now with that being said I guess I will dedicate this weekend to looking at the Fury X again since I have to admit, after it got slapped around by the 980ti on release I really haven't paid any attention to it so my info on it is out of date.

Thanks for the input, I'll let you know if I jump ship back and go with the Fury X, although is it jumping ship if I currently run an AMD gpu? :)

Oh I wasn't bashing you in any way for being anti amd:p IIRC think it was extremetech who reported that in Ashes of the Singularity, a FX vs a 980ti was basically identical except on heavier loads the FX pulled ahead by about 4% or around there in there benchmark testing. It's just one game but the only DX12 bench we have atm.

Before GCN their drivers were crap(although I never had issue in single config).. ever since their first GCN Never Settle driver(Oct 2011), they have been doing amazing. The only problem now with there drivers is they just take little while to release new ones. Nvidia as of late have been having more issues it seems. Especially with this MSAA driver bug they are claiming is devs fault for some bizarre reason.
Oh I wasn't bashing you in any way for being anti amd:p IIRC think it was extremetech who reported that in Ashes of the Singularity, a FX vs a 980ti was basically identical except on heavier loads the FX pulled ahead by about 4% or around there in there benchmark testing. It's just one game but the only DX12 bench we have atm.

Before GCN their drivers were crap(although I never had issue in single config).. ever since their first GCN Never Settle driver(Oct 2011), they have been doing amazing. The only problem now with there drivers is they just take little while to release new ones. Nvidia as of late have been having more issues it seems. Especially with this MSAA driver bug they are claiming is devs fault for some bizarre reason.

I didn't think you were basing me at all, I just wanted to make it clear I have no bias against AMD and that I will seriously look into it. All I want is something that will kick ass in games and last me a long time (I tend to run my rigs for ages.)

Thank you very much for your help. I'm new to theses forums but I like what I've seen so far.
I didn't think you were basing me at all, I just wanted to make it clear I have no bias against AMD and that I will seriously look into it. All I want is something that will kick ass in games and last me a long time (I tend to run my rigs for ages.)

Thank you very much for your help. I'm new to theses forums but I like what I've seen so far.

No problem bud, It's part of the reason I am here!:)
We have a smaller community than most other forums, however all the active members are pretty close so it's like a virtual family so we are pretty relaxed and don't get offended at really anything. Easy going is the tempo here:cool:
So erhm... where exactly does the Fury X "tie or beat the 980 Ti" again?

I guess the keyword in your sentence was "Virtually", or according to the dictionary: "Almost but not quite; nearly".

There are no games with DX12 actually out yet, so don't go "But then the Fury X will easily beat it" because we don't know cause they're not out yet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-AMD either and I'd love for them to regain some market share ( especially in the CPU department as Intel are getting annoyingly expensive) but if you're recommending others to buy a GPU you might as well stick to the facts :)

Or at least tell them to hold off buying to see if you're right about DX12 improvement first
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So erhm... where exactly does the Fury X "tie or beat the 980 Ti" again?

I guess the keyword in your sentence was "Virtually", or according to the dictionary: "Almost but not quite; nearly".

There are no games with DX12 actually out yet, so don't go "But then the Fury X will easily beat it" because we don't know cause they're not out yet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-AMD either and I'd love for them to regain some market share ( especially in the CPU department as Intel are getting annoyingly expensive) but if you're recommending others to buy a GPU you might as well stick to the facts :)

Or at least tell them to hold off buying to see if you're right about DX12 improvement first

Considering thats DX11 and not DX12, irrelevant as we are discussing the current DX12 siutation. There is a game out, sure not to everyone but if you bought it you could play it. DX12 the Fury X slightly edges the 980ti at higher loads.
Also consider drivers.. they have had performances increases for DX12 already with the beta driver.
I am sticking to facts, if you're trying to correct someone should read the whole thread;) Also would have noticed I mentioned the link above already to back up my claim.. I was just repeating what they said.

Should also point out that when I said "virtually" I meant no discernible difference.. aka can't tell. At heavier loads it was only couple of frames faster. Hence virtually tied:)
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Considering thats DX11 and not DX12, irrelevant as we are discussing the current DX12 siutation. There is a game out, sure not to everyone but if you bought it you could play it. DX12 the Fury X slightly edges the 980ti at higher loads.
Also consider drivers.. they have had performances increases for DX12 already with the beta driver.
I am sticking to facts, if you're trying to correct someone should read the whole thread;) Also would have noticed I mentioned the link above already to back up my claim.. I was just repeating what they said.

Should also point out that when I said "virtually" I meant no discernible difference.. aka can't tell. At heavier loads it was only couple of frames faster. Hence virtually tied:)

Mate, if you honestly believe that a single game sets the benchmark for all DirectX 12 games and all currently released graphics cards then I'll leave you alone after this cause there's no discussing with people who refuse to be wrong.

...especially if you go to the official website of said single game and it has a pretty big AMD logo in the footer, but anyway...

That said, I'm assuming OP will not build this system to exclusively play games that aren't even actually out yet, so DX11 performance is definitely not irrelevant. Unless of course all he wants to play is Ashes of Singularity, then I take back everything I've said. But then again, "if you bought it you could play it" is definitely the best argument I've read all day.

Don't get me wrong, the Fury X is definitely a good card for a good price. That is a fact, and I'm sure it would serve StarKiller well if he plays a lot of the titles where it outperforms the 980 Ti.
But if he is going to buy it, I think he should do so because it's the best card for his intended purpose of the computer. Not because some guy on a forum told him to get an AMD card, because that's all that guy ever tells everyone to do.
Because if you can't be objective on a forum, you really shouldn't even be on it ";)"