My "Man-cave"


New member
A few pics of my man cave, or work area. Originally there was very little in here besides my desk, but we've since furnished it with a proper bed and bedside table to make it into a guest room. Also provides a convenient place for me to crash without making my way to the bedroom/living room.

Anyhow, some pics of my current desk:


There's currently no carpet in this room, as it was always a low priority room, so the floor doesn't look very nice! I'm more than likely going to move the case to the space under where it sits now, raised off the floor slightly, as I've no real need to access it frequently - if I put more lights in it maybe I'd leave it out as it'd be more visually appealing but it's only me that ever sees it.

That case on the end with no side panel is the remains of my old PC re-purposed to run ESXi with an open-vpn VM and FreePBX VM for me to make/receive calls on. E8400 with stock Intel cooler, 4GB of RAM and a passively cooled GPU, an old Asus board .. near silent. Eventually want to get rid of that in favour of one of those Intel bare-bones systems, as that's just too big really. Out of sight behind the chair is a small Zyxel 2TB NAS, big enough for what I need.

The orange crates under the end segment i eventually want to replace with this - I just love IKEA furniture :-D

The cables under the desk are recent additions; the other cables are all tidied away at the back of the desk behind this:


And more recently, as in today, I mounted my 7 port USB 3.0 hub flush with the surface of the desk:


Underside shot:


The biggest issue I have though is that one edge of the hub is bevelled, which gives the appearance of a big gap down one side of it (below) but my solution for that is to get a small rectangle of perspex that fits tightly to to that bevelled part, so I have a slightly raised section of the desk around the hub. That, or I'll just fill in around the gaps and be done with it!

I'm also beginning to really dislike visible cables, so as I look at my pictures more and more, I'm trying to figure out where to hide them. I've really taken a shine to minimalist setups!
This looks quite good, is there anything like this in the UK though?

Sweet setup.
Thanks :)

Is that an old naked CM690 I spy....
Indeed it is ... the side panel was a bit dented, so I got rid of it. The front was looking a bit worn, so I got rid of that as well, and the top had a screwdriver hole through it .. oops. So I stripped off all those bits (leaving the side panel behind the mobo tray) stuck a few parts in it and let it run ESXi 5.5 with an open-vpn server and free-pbx server. apart from the stock cooler, it's open-aired cooling :] hardly any load generated so it doesn't kick out much heat at all.
