MSI gaming 5 VS 7


New member

Since it's "black friday" there are some discounts here and there.
I have been waiting to upgrade my pc for a while (was originally waiting for xmas deals) and now there is a discount on intel i5 4690k (23%) and MSI Gaiming 7 mb (17%).

Right now the MSI G 7 costs exactly the same as G5. I have heard a lot of positive things about G5, but nothing about the G7. Anyone knows how G7 compares to G5?

Im also wondering if i should be waiting for xmas discounts.

Yes get the 7, it has a few more features and stuff and dont wait for christmas either, thats a month away, a month in which you can already enjoy this new stuff, gogo!
So i thought i would wait til when i wake up and buy then. guess what? both emptied!! Really? So many greedy people out there! xD