MSI 980ti idle temps


New member
Hi, what is the average idle temp for this card? Mine is running at 59 degrees Celsius at idle and 75-76 at load with no overclocking is this normal?
do you have set it to adaptive energy mode in the 3D-Setting in the Nvidia Control Panel?
because normally it shouldnt be THAT high
For a passive idle card in a toasty case on a summers day that sounds plausible. Load temps sound reasonable so I doubt there is a problem with it.

If your uncomfortable with that tweak the fan curve in afterburner so it idles at 30/40%

yes it is on adaptive on the 3d settings and im not sure how to set up the fan curve

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should i get the card replaced?
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yes it is on adaptive on the 3d settings and im not sure how to set up the fan curve

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should i get the card replaced?

Are you sure? You have to reboot your PC for the setting to take effect. I ask because this sounds exactly like the issue I had.

With prefer maximum performance (look at the GPU core clock):


With adaptive:


The fact that your load temperatures are in the right range tells me your GPU is at 1000MHz at idle, when it should be much lower. Download Afterburner and check the GPU clock, and you can use this to set a custom fan curve (but you shouldn't need to).