More Youtubers Need To Do 60FPS


Resident Newb
So I was watching a few of the people I'm subbed to today and quite a few have switched over to doing 60 fps videos completely leaving 30 fps behind even when only doing facetime type reviews and it makes such a difference, It's night and day between 30 and 60 it feels so much smoother and more real if that makes sense.

Will more people start tor switch to 60 or will we continue to remain at 29.9 when 60 is such an eye pleasing upgrade from the ye old standard ?
Well I was watching Markiplier do the playthrough of The Evil Within, he did one episode at 60 then decided for now to leave it because it took his Internet too long to upload, and also said some people can't watch the videos yet, I think he meant 1080/60fps over 720/30fps?
60 fps over 30 fps storage wise isn't a lot, The file size goes up by 1/4 to 1/3 which isn't really a lot, Would take an extra hour or so to upload.
I'd imagine a fair few youtubers use a capture setup that might not work well at 60FPS. That being said I think the more 60FPS videos the better.
Its not as common as not everyone has Chrome. Also, when you're a big youtuber time=money obviously and unless if you live in South Korea Uploading is a pain. Not to mention you have to rely on Youtube's Potato-class servers.
Nice F1 texture there Wraith :)

Just noticed that the embedded video only plays at 30FPS.
60 fps over 30 fps storage wise isn't a lot, The file size goes up by 1/4 to 1/3 which isn't really a lot, Would take an extra hour or so to upload.

If you record lossless, as many youtubers do cause it's better for editing afterwards, the storage should basicaly double as you have double the frames. Considering audio data is only a small portion of the whole file. Why would it be only 1/4 to 1/3 more?