Monitor or Graphics Card?


New member
I'm extremely torn at the moment. So I've been running a great rig for a while. It has SLI GTX 680's, but my monitor is only a 1680x1050 old samsung TV with a contrast ratio of only 1000:1. Now I've been wanting to get a G-Sync monitor for an absolute age, as well as a 1440p monitor, however I'd just settle for 1080p.

So the idea was to either get this monitor
Or this one

However due to the VRAM requirements for all of these new games I could upgrade to a 980 Ti for in between the same cost of those monitors as my 680's are only 2GB.

I'm extremely torn, so hopefully someone could give some extra pros and cons besides VRAM which is all I can really think of at the moment. I would get some performance increase, but not a significant amount so I'm really basing this on my need for more VRAM which is a bigger concern.
Get the monitor you want now as it will definitely give you a significant increase in visual pleasure, not only that but it will be beneficial to all of your daily tasks not just gaming.

A pair of 680's although 2GB is certainly still decent enough to enjoy plenty of games, GPU prices will inevitably fall over the coming months as they always do. Then you will be ready to pick up a nice deal and pair it with an awesome monitor.

If your looking at investing ~£700 in your graphics kit right now and you won't have any more money to put into it in a few months time then it's certainly a nice budget, just sack off G-Sync. A Dell U2515H paired with a 290X or 980 would make a lovely setup or wait a few weeks for the 390X ;) ;)

Thanks for the reply. I hadn't really thought about how the monitor could affect daily tasks, but now that I think about it that's definitely also a big bonus.

That does sound like a pretty nice plan. Seeing as I can even just about ultra W3 with my 680's they certainly have a bit of life in them still, and pairing a good 980 Ti with a sweet monitor is all the better.

If I have my finances right, I'd be able to afford a 980 Ti with not much trouble in about 4 months. I don't mind dropping some more money down a few months down the line, but your suggestion does work really well for a good friend of mine so I'll be sure to tell him about that combo. He's got a nice AMD themed rig, so he's been waiting for the 390X for some time (especially now with the leaked pics).

Having a monitor that actually looks nice for a change is going to be great :)
The first thing you must remember is that the monitor is the thing you interact with more than anything else. You really, really shouldn't have a crap one. It makes a mockery of everything else in your rig if you're looking at your rig through a dirty window.

However, the thing that made me chuckle a bit about those monitors is that they're 144hz and you are rocking two very old GPUs.

So like you I would be very torn. However, the answer lies in what gets changed and updated more. Monitors are usually good for a few years where as GPUs these days are good for about a week before something else comes along.

So I would get the monitor first. However, what absolutely sucks about modern monitors is that you are then locked to one GPU manufacturer if you want the best bit, Gsync or Freesync. And that sucks. It sucks big, sweaty vinegary balls.

I went Gsync and then Nvidia pulled the 970 trick. I regret it.

However, I just gotta suck it up I suppose. I'm not giving any more money to Nvidia because I will not trust them again so now I am going to lose Gsync.

But does the Sync do that much that its actually worth looking at for now? There are lots of good monitors with either of them,no?
But does the Sync do that much that its actually worth looking at for now? There are lots of good monitors with either of them,no?

Gsync and Freesync do make a real difference not to have tearing and the like is awesome

Now back to the op's question I would buy a good monitor now and then update the GPU later as either way you go it will be average until you have both but with the monitor there will be an improvement right away and then when you get the card you will be blown away with the difference
Pretty much what everyone else is saying. Get the monitor, as sli GTX 680s are still pretty damn powerful and would be perfectly fine even at 1440p. Just give them a little bump if you really need a little bit of extra performance.
The first thing you must remember is that the monitor is the thing you interact with more than anything else. You really, really shouldn't have a crap one. It makes a mockery of everything else in your rig if you're looking at your rig through a dirty window.

However, the thing that made me chuckle a bit about those monitors is that they're 144hz and you are rocking two very old GPUs.

So like you I would be very torn. However, the answer lies in what gets changed and updated more. Monitors are usually good for a few years where as GPUs these days are good for about a week before something else comes along.

So I would get the monitor first. However, what absolutely sucks about modern monitors is that you are then locked to one GPU manufacturer if you want the best bit, Gsync or Freesync. And that sucks. It sucks big, sweaty vinegary balls.

I went Gsync and then Nvidia pulled the 970 trick. I regret it.

However, I just gotta suck it up I suppose. I'm not giving any more money to Nvidia because I will not trust them again so now I am going to lose Gsync.


Gsync and Freesync do make a real difference not to have tearing and the like is awesome

Now back to the op's question I would buy a good monitor now and then update the GPU later as either way you go it will be average until you have both but with the monitor there will be an improvement right away and then when you get the card you will be blown away with the difference

Pretty much what everyone else is saying. Get the monitor, as sli GTX 680s are still pretty damn powerful and would be perfectly fine even at 1440p. Just give them a little bump if you really need a little bit of extra performance.

Haha, so OP is kinda like me then... not sure wether to get the 980Ti first or an ROG Swift. But after seeing this thread, I've kinda made up my mind, cheers guys! :)
Personally I think you should look into a GTX 980 or a Fury X and pair it with a 1440P G sync (if Nvidia) or Freesync (if AMD) display. That would be ideal. 2GB of Vram is pretty "meh" in 2015.