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Sony wanted to keep Bethesda games off Xbox, so Microsoft bought Bethesda.

Read more about the reason behind Microsoft's Bethesda acquisition.

Read more about the reason behind Microsoft's Bethesda acquisition.
Only proves Sony's point it's only going to hurt the console ecosystem. MS from day one has moved the idea in court it's not aimed at hurting Sony. Doesn't look good for them.
Sony sells more. Developer's prioritize the bigger market. Xbox screwed themselves with the awful Xbox One. From that point on they sealed their fate. Sony doesn't need to pay many developers anything.
Xbox could instead produce quality games like Sony. Most of their exclusives are in house made. They can only produce a good racing game these days.
I strongly disagree! The way I see it, Microsoft is defending themselves, Sony is the one who started just gobbling up thir party games and that's what have actually hurt the console "ecosystem" now Microsoft is literally forced to defend themselves by doing this which, yes, means it will get worse, but still that's like emitting 90% of the total carbon dioxide emissions on the history of humanity and then, now blaming small countries for global warming and requiring them to reduce their emissions. Doesn't work that way.
I think this should go to Microsoft and I don't think honestly it will be all that bad, if anything it will encourage even more competition.
Heavily disagree. Sony and MS both have IP and exclusives. MS produces trash, Sony does not.
That is not an argument for allowing MS to buy out all others. Sony does not buy many exclusives, they don't need to. MS struggle to bring partners because they have a small ecosystem of which they themselves are to blame for releasing consoles nobody wants. How is that Sony's fault?
Virtually all major games release on both. The attraction of buying a PS is because they have amazing exclusives. You get a better experience.
MS cant do anything but rely on their bank account. They aren't a gaming company. Sony is. This is the reason for the major disparity. Heck Nintendo isn't even in the same traditional market and still does better than MS.
Anyone who argued against this clearly does NOT remember PS3 vs Xbox 360. It was PERFECT for competition. Exclusives got you to buy one over the other. You were effectively choosing a side and locking yourself into Sony or MS. You had no choice. And some of the best games they have ever released came out during those days. Every IP was great and pushed them to deliver better and better. MS couldn't keep up in the long run once the Xbone released.
Both parties do it. That's the thing. Sony also makes good games. So it seems unfair.
Sony and Square Enix have a partnership which took 2 parties to commit to. MS here is trying to buy a VAST majority of gaming content that far outpaces anything Sony has done combined to date. Final Fantasy is no where close to popularity as any of the purposed purchase will be/are. COD alone is the biggest franchise in the world.
All I'm saying is buying a literal corner of the gaming market because they don't know how to make their own games or make any sort of partnerships is quite the stretch to believe it's a good thing. Roles could be reversed and I'd say the same thing. I don't like it for PC either. Everything has to be Steam and there's no room for innovation. We are at their mercy. Luckily they are not evil...
To put it into perspective it's akin to AMD vs Nvidia. MS is AMD. Sony is Nvidia.
Imagine AMD spending their money to effectively buy out games. Only works for their GPUs forever. Just like IP games are but unlike timed exclusives. You could say goodbye to CSGO the PC CoD equal (popularity wise) as an example. People would rage. It's the same MS is doing. Much worse than wait 6-12 months for the game for games that aren't even really that big in terms of popularity.
Makes no difference to me i'm PC all the exclusives come to PC in time look at the PS5 pretty much everything is on or coming to PC
Still waiting on Ghost of Tsushima![]()